I Forgot

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"Shh, stop talking like an idiot,"

"You stop being an idiot,"

"Uh, excuse me. We have more important matters at hand,"

These annoying whispers wake me up from my peaceful slumber. I turn around, hug the blankets closer and get ready to go back to sleep again.

"See, I told you to stop talking,"

"Do you want to get punched again?"

"Ha, I know how to avoid it now,"

"Want to try?" I grab the plushie sleeping next to me and whack the person closest to me.

"Oof, hey, I was not even talking,"

"If you people don't stop talking, it won't be your face getting whacked next," I threaten and smile when I hear silence. I sigh happily and hug the plushie before drifting off to sleep again.

"AHHHH," A scream leaves my mouth before I even realise what is happening, and my body hits the floor with a thud.

"Hi," Ace smiles, looking down at me.

"Did you just drag me to the floor by grabbing my legs and pulling me?" I question.

"That would be me," Blue comes into my vision.

"What the heck are you guys even doing at my house in the middle of the night?" I sigh, annoyed.

"Happy birthday," Carter wishes, holding a cake. I smile once I realise what is happening.

"Thank you," I smile, and Ace hands me a knife.


"Did you really think we wouldn't prank you?" Ace laughs.

"It's hilarious you fell for your own prank," Carter laughs.

"Happy birthday to you," Blue sings as he comes in with a real cake.

I smile as they sing for me and close my eyes to make a wish before cutting the cake. Once I am done, I cut the cake and feed all of them.

"Alex, turn around," Carter sings, and I do so only to get hit in the face with the cake.

"Aww, what a waste of a perfect cake," Ace sulks, making me glare at him.

"Oh, Ace," I say sweetly and take the cake, applying it all over his face and hair.

"NOT MY HAIR. MY HAIR, ALEX," He shrieks before licking the cake around his mouth.

"It tastes good, though," He comments, making me laugh. I look to my side and find Carter and Blue laughing at us. I look at Ace, and he smirks.

"You take Blue. I will take Carter," I say and run to Carter with cake in my hands.

After half an hour of playing around, we settle down for presents. We all sit on the floor, not to get the bed dirty and get killed by my dear mother on my birthday.

"Happy birthday, Alex," Carter wishes, handing me a bouquet and a gift bag full of new workout clothes, gloves, and much more fighting-related stuff.

"Thank you so much, Carter," I say, hugging him.

"Mine next," Ace exclaims like a puppy. I laugh and open the beautifully wrapped gift box.

I take out a beautiful black cloak that has A4 written on it. There is also a T-shirt in black, and I turn it around and find 'Ruthless Queen' printed on it.

"It is my handwriting," Ace informs, making me smile. I also find a letter inside and read it, and tears well up in my eyes as I near the end.

"Ace, I don't know what to say. This is a meaningful gift," I whisper, wiping my tears.

"I wanted to show how much you mean to me. The letter is from the both of us," Ace smiles sadly, referring to Adora.

"Thank you," I say, hugging him tight.

"This is from me," Blue says, handing me a scrapbook similar to the one I made for the twins.

"This took me three years, too," He says as I open and go through the pages.

"I am sorry it's long. It has everything I wanted to say to you in the past two years,"

I turn the pages and find bits and pieces of paper of different colours and textures, with dates and content written on them.

Some only have one sentence, and some even exceed two pages. It is a book of all the memories he wanted to share with me, and I can feel Blue's sadness oozing from the words.

There is one final letter on the last page, and I start reading it. It was about the day he saw me again. I read it, and at the end, I start sobbing.

"I did not ask you guys to make me cry like this," I complain, hitting Blue on his chest.

"Always you before..." Blue starts, tears visible in his eyes.

"Love and life," I finish, and he wraps my arms around his chest.

"Thank you," I say, hoping all three of them understand my gratitude.

"Okay, enough of this sad party. Let's watch a horror movie," Ace suggests, making us laugh.

We watch movies, talk, and fall asleep one by one. I remove Blue's arm that is hugging me and walk to the bed and open the book.

I reread the last letter, and the last line makes me ponder.

'If you truly love someone, let them go. I always thought about it. What does it mean to let someone go? Now I think I understand. I must let you go to show how much I love and adore you. You will always be my best friend, Alex. That will never change. Be happy. Always you before, love and life, always.'

The word 'Always' is smudged like he accidentally spilt a drop of water on it after writing. I read the rest of the letters and eventually fell asleep. We wake up at 2 in the afternoon and hang around until Cameron knocks at the door at four.

"Happy birthday, Alex," She greets me with a hug.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" She questions.

"For what?" I ask, puzzled.

"You are meeting your lover boy, aren't you?"


So, only two more chapter until the lover boy is revealed. Can't wait for you guys to read it, and for the romance part of the book to start. Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.

Love 😍

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