Chapter 85: Support

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Toshinori shuffled awkwardly under Nedzu's stare for a long moment, "Ok, I'll admit that giving the boy a new quirk right before a combat exercise maybe wasn't the best idea..."

"It wasn't even an idea, was it?" Nedzu rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It was an impulse because you thought Kaminari was ready to receive it, so you passed it on the moment he accepted without even thinking of the consequences. I thought Viridian's warnings would have extended a little farther into your psyche, but what's done is done. Yaoyorozu's insulating fabric protected the other three students from the worst of the final lightning storm and we're monitoring young Kaminari's brain activity, which seems to be recovering more quickly than we expected, which is a blessing. Most of the damage done was to the building itself, the cameras, which will need to be replaced, and of course, the power outage that affected half the school ! All things considered, we were very lucky this did not end much worse."

"I know." Toshinori responded quietly. "You're right, I wasn't thinking and I acted on impulse. I will try to do better."

"I am counting on it." Nedzu said sternly. He held his glare for a few moments before relaxing into a smile, "All that being said, Kaminari's control of One for All is extremely promising. With the exception of losing control at the end of the exercise, it appears that he used the extra power well, especially considering that how he used it was unexpected."

"I just thought it would make his muscles stronger." Toshinori shook his head. "I suppose it makes sense for it to strengthen his quirk instead, but..."

Before Toshinori could continue his sentence, the door to Nedzu's office slammed open and Aizawa strode in, looking distressed. He was careful to close the door behind him before freaking out, "I'm sure you figured this out already, but Kaminari has obviously either been targeted by the villain factory or is actively working with them. How are we going to deal with this?"

Toshinori coughed up a bit of blood, "What?! Kaminari working with the villain factory?! Where in the heavens would you get an idea like that?!"

Aizawa looked at him like he was an idiot, "Oh, I don't know? Maybe, just maybe, the fact that he showed up to class today with a suspicious new quirk? Come on, All Might, I know you use your fists more than your brain, but think about it for two seconds! Kaminari's quirk is electrification, not magnetism. Or, it was before today, but that also explains why his quirk control was so poor this afternoon when a few weeks ago, it was exemplary. All that on it's own would be bad enough, but Kaminari obviously has some sort of connection to Viridian, based on their similar fighting style, so if the villain factory is actively targeting Kaminari, they are most likely targeting him as well or, worse, their whole connection could be a trap for the villain factory to get their hands on Viridian, in the worst case scenario that Kaminari is actively working for All for One."

Toshinori sighed in relief. He had almost panicked for a moment thinking that he had been catfished into impulsively giving his quirk to a villain, but if the changes to young Kaminari's quirk were the only reason Aizawa had to suspect him, then they didn't have anything to worry about. He did seem oddly worried about Viridian being targeted, although perhaps that was simply because he was close to the boy.

He latched onto the idea, hoping to move the conversation away from One for All and young Kaminari, "What reason would All for One even have to target Viridian?"

Aizawa sighed and collapsed into the other chair in front of Nedzu's desk, "Where do I even begin? There's the talent he has for sniffing out information that he shouldn't have access to, and then of course the fact that he acts on it. From Endeavor and some of the other Berserkers, we know that All for One is aware of him and sees him as a threat, but I've got a theory and, as much as I hate it, I think there's more to All for One's goals than just getting rid of the kid."

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