Chapter 104: Lure

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They all stared at Viridian in shock for a moment before Nedzu hummed thoughtfully, sounding far too pleased for Shouta's liking, "Yes, that does sound promising, doesn't it Aizawa?"

Shouta pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, "I can't believe we're actually approving this."

"Uh..." Kaminari's eyes ficked between the three of them, "I think I might be a little confused, because it sounds like you want me to..."

"Seduce a fellow classmate so you can get her alone and deliver an electric shock strong enough to stop her heart?" Shouta deadpanned. "Because yes, it seems like that's exactly the plan. How do you even come up with these ideas, problem child?"

"It makes sense!" Viridian defended. "Plus, he flirted with the previous host too, so it's only logical that..."

"Wait, what?!" Kaminari yelled. "When was this?!"

"Oh..." Viridian swallowed nervously. " you remember Kohaku?"

"Yeah, of course, but what does that have to do with..." Kaminari trailed off as he took in Viridian's expression. "...oh."

Viridian had tears in his eyes behind the goggles, "Yeah..."

"That is, of course, why it is imperative that Queen Bee be taken by surprise this time around." Nedzu said kindly. "We must not only defeat the villain, but save her victim as well."

Shouta put a hand on Kaminari's shoulder, "You don't have to do this, you know. It might take us a few minutes, but we'll figure out another way to get her alone. You're not a hero yet, so you don't have any obligation to go along with this."

"No, I...I'll do it, just..." Kaminari bit his lip. "Um, Viridian, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Viridian frowned, "Of course...what's up?"

Kaminari pulled the problem child into the corner and glanced nervously back at Shouta and Nedzu, who pretended not to be paying attention, before lowering his voice so that they had to strain to hear him, "Um, I just kinda wanna make sure that you're actually ok with this?"

"Yeah?" Viridian looked slightly confused. "Denks, it's my plan, why wouldn't I be ok with it?"

"I know that, it's just..." Kaminari shrugged awkwardly. "Are you sure you're ok with me, like, flirting with other people and all that?"

Oh no...

Shouta had to resist the urge to snort when the problem child somehow managed to look even more confused, "Why wouldn't I be? I mean this is why you learned to flirt in the first place, right?"

Kaminari looked surprised and Shouta shook his head fondly. Of course the problem child had absolutely zero idea that he was supposed to be jealous and let the whole thing go completely over his head. Poor Viridian was sure to be an interesting experience and that was if the problem child even knew they were dating, which Shouta wasn't convinced wasn't the case. Poor kid.

After a moment, Kaminari turned back to them and nodded firmly, "Leave it to me. You want me to bring her back here, right?"

"If it's not too much trouble." Nedzu smiled pleasantly. "Good luck!"

Kaminari nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him. Shouta raised one eyebrow and turned to Viridian, "So, how do you two know each other?"

Viridian turned bright red and started sputtering while Shouta smirked. After all the stress the kid put him through, he deserved to suffer just a little.

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