Chapter 119: Reunion

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Katsuki didn't want to admit it, but he was worried about the nerd. He'd wanted to stay at the police station, but after Tsukauchi had called his parents, he hadn't been able to figure out any way to explain why he was so insistent on staying without letting it slip that it wasn't just some random vigilante who had gone missing. But if he told his old hag that it was Izuku then they'd tell Auntie Inko and it would all be a whole thing.

Thankfully dunceface had shot him a text after he'd woken up from his whole brain frying thing saying that they had a list of locations and that Kurogiri was warping All Might all over town to check them out. It had been about the longest hour of Katsuki's life until Kaminari texted again to say that Eraserhead had been found, but Izuku had run away. Again.

The nerd wouldn't' run too far though. Katsuki knew how much Izuku cared about his mom, he wouldn't leave her or sdo anything stupid like that. Katsuki couldn't even count the times the nerd had almost died and just gone home without thinking anything of it, so he knew this time wouldn't be any different, even if he couldn't call Auntie again without freaking her out. Izuku was almost definitely just at home, sleeping off whatever had happened and he'd just have to get the details later when the nerd woke up. That didn't stop the anxiety from playing in the background as he picked at his lunch, but that wasn't going to go away until he knew that Izuku was safe. Now if only he could get his old hag off his back...

Katsuki was acting really weird. On the one hand, Mitsuki knew that his moping around the house was somewhat justified: his teacher had gone missing and his internship had been put on hold, but on the other it just seemed like there had to be something she was missing. Katsuki didn't normally worry about other people too much, but she'd practically had to drag him out of the police station insisting that he'd done all he could and that he needed to leave it to the pros and get some sleep. She was pretty sure he hadn't actually slept, but at least she'd tried.

She still didn't understand why he was so upset though, because he wasn't even really that worried about Aizawa. From what little she understood of the situation, Katsuki was way more worried about the vigliante that had gone missing alongside him, which didn't make any sense, especially since when she'd asked why he was so invested, katsuki had just given up and agreed to go home rather than tell her why, so she knew he was keeping something from her.

A part of her wanted to cuff him over the head and yell at him until he told her the truth, but she'd raised her son long enough that she knew he had a stubborn streak a mile wide, so that wouldn't do any good. Plus...well, her son was a strong boy and he knew what he was doing. If she pushed too hard, she risked him blocking her out, but annoying as practicing patience was, there was a high chance that Katsuki would come to her when he was ready. If not, then she could try yelling.

Her phone rang and glanced at Katsuki, who didn't even look up from his food as she answered, "Yeah, this is Mitsuki."

"Hi, Mitsuki!" Inko's voice sounded cheerful on the other end, but something about it also made alarm bells go off in Mitsuki's brain. "Could you maybe let Katsuki know that the next time my son gets kidnapped by a villain, I would appreciate being informed?"

Mitsuki whipped around as everything finally fell into place, "Katsuki Bakugo!"

So much for not yelling.

The tracking anket felt weird.

Izuku had expected it to be heavier, but really, it was just there and that was enough to have him pulling up his pant leg every few seconds. He...he was going to be a hero. Sure, the hero commission was only allowing him to become a hero because of a loophole, but that's the only reason he'd become a vigilante anyway, so it kinda seemed fitting. He still couldn't believe it, but Eraser said that his meeting with Hound Dog tomorrow would help with that , at least a little. He was just kinda ignoring the whole being a hero thing and trying to focus more on the joining class 1A thing. He'd be able to spend more time with Kacchan and Denki, plus their classmates had so many interesting quirks and Izuku was actually really looking forward to analyzing them and helping everyone improve.

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