Chapter 94: Overheard

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Izuku's eyes widened as he saw the door handle move and he dashed into the bathroom as quickly as he could, barely managing to lock himself inside before he heard someone come in. He slid down against the door to the bathroom and tried to quiet his breathing as Eraser started talking, completely unaware that he was one wrong move away from catching Viridian. This was not going to be fun, was it?

Eraserhead sounded absolutely done, "What could have possibly convinced you to do something so stupid?"

Kacchan scoffed, "Nice to see you too, hobo. No, I'm glad you're alive or anything? What a great homeroom teacher I've got! Real top notch example!"

"Oh yes, of course." Eraser said dryly. "Congratulations on surviving the most idiotic plan you could have come up with. I'm so proud."

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" Kacchan said defensively. "I got some of the villains to leave."

"Yeah." Izuku could just imagine Eraser rolling his eyes. "Right before you antagonized the villains and got your body snapped like a glowstick. Wonderful job. A+."

Izuku had to slam a hand over his mouth to keep himself from snorting. It was hilarious listening to Eraser scold someone else for once. Weird, definitely trippy, but hilarious.

When Kacchan started talking again, however, his tone was serious, "I wasn't expecting them to have something like the Nomu. I thought they were just gonna be normal villains, not..."

He trailed off and Eraser obviously didn't know what to say, because a long silence stretched on the other side of the door. Poor Kacchan...

"Ogawa would have been there." Kacchan muttered. "If he hadn't escaped when he did, those bastards would have found a way to make him attack us too."

"You don't know that." Eraser tried. "Your friend's strong. Maybe..."

Kacchan cut him off, "Kumo was there."

Eraser inhaled sharply and Izuku frowned. Kumo? Who was that? Denki hadn't told him about any villains with that name when he was telling him about the attack, but it was possible they were one of the thugs and Denki just didn't hear the name. Had Kacchan ever mentioned them?

Eraser obviously knew who they were talking about and he sounded worried for some reason, "Are you sure?"

"No." Kacchan gave a frustrated chuckle, "But that mist guy sure looked a hell of a lot like what Ogawa described when he talked about the loser's new quirk. Some sort of dark vapor or something. Ogawa never figured out what it did."

Oh. Kumo must be one of the villain factory victims, probably one that was held alongside Kacchan's friend, which meant they probably went through the same experiments. Experiments that Izuku hadn't been fast enough to stop. Izuku screwed his eyes shut and held back a whimper. He hadn't stopped the villains, he hadn't freed their victims, he hadn't even helped the students at the USJ attack. Just how many people had he been too slow to save?

He really was useless, wasn't he?

"Ok." Eraser took a deep breath. "Have you talked to Ogawa since everything happened? Can he confirm your suspicions?"

"No." Kacchan sounded even more annoyed than usual, which made Izuku smile sadly. He must really care about his friend. "Recovery Girl said I'm not allowed to leave the room and the stupid doctors are backing her up. I'm gonna talk to him soon though."

"Good, but I'll text Tsukauchi and have him ask as well." Eraser said. "I was actually just talking to him and we were headed over there, but I decided that you probably needed some sense knocked into you first."

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