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(Because this was always, after all, her story.)

All things must come to an end at some point. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the end of my story. Just the end of the beginning.

It's June and we're graduating. Somehow, Grey had managed to get us some extra-credit classes and assignments to make up for all the time we'd missed and somehow, we were graduating.

Neither or us was Valedictorian...of course not. I watched the girl who'd been awarded that honour - some girl I remember very vaguely from Chemistry class - climb the stage and give her speech. Something about new beginnings.

And it was. It was a very new beginning for me, starting a life as the female leader of a werewolf pack. The thought still amused me.

Then they started calling out names to come up and receive their diploma. It was alphabetical so Grey went before me. I clapped and hooted for him as loudly as I could but it was still drowned out by the deafening noise his werewolf friends made.

As he got his diploma, he found my eyes in the crowd and shot me a wink. I shivered, he still caused butterflies in my tummy after all this time.

Then they called my name. I climbed the stage, smiling as Grey's cheers resounded in the small auditorium. I collected my diploma and paused for the customary picture and that's when I saw them.

My parents.

In the very back of the auditorium. They hadn't changed one bit. Quite a bit of time had passed and so much had happened in that time since I last saw them that I expected them to have undergone some drastic change.

But they hadn't. They looked exactly the same.

My mother warily blew a kiss at me and even from across the room, I could see the pride in her eyes. I grinned at the camera.

And then it was over.

As quickly as it had begun, we were now high school graduates and we were outside, throwing our caps in the air like they did in movies.

Laughing, because for the first time in a while, everything was fantastic.

I threw my arms around my parents when I met them after. I could tell they were surprised. Despite everything, I had missed them. They were my parents.

"Tamara Grace, my baby. We're sorry, so sorry," my mother pulled back and looked into my eyes, her eyes shining with things unsaid.

But I understood.

I nodded, my eyes watering, pulling her back into the hug.

I told them about my college acceptances. I'd gotten 3, which was amazing what with my constant school changes. It had been hard but I'd finally picked one and I was going to major in Art.

I noticed my father frown a bit at that.

Some things are hard to change.

My mum told me about their new town. How things were basically the same as our previous towns but so different without me there. She said they think this is going to be their last move.

I'm happy for them.

Later that evening, Grey and I lie at our spot, staring at the sky.

We talked about how different things were. How many people weren't around anymore.

I didn't tell him about how the familiar face I'd seen at the end of the war was Ciara. And I never did find out what the story behind their mutual hatred was.

So much had changed but I didn't regret anything.

The future looked brighter too. I felt stronger, and not as alone as I did before. I had Grey and I had a pack.

Me. I have a pack.

I, the daughter of Michael and Esther Finely, born into Christianity, raised to believe werewolves, witches, vampires were things of the underworld, things of the Devil, things I should raise my Bible to battle, am the Luna of the Blood Moon pack. Mate to Alpha Grey Brewer.

It's hilarious.

And exciting.

I can't wait.

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