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"Thank you," I said as Scott helped me grab my suitcase from the boot. "I know you must have had better things to do, so thank you for coming"

He slammed the boot shut and turned to me smiling, "Anytime Fruits"

I smiled back. I had to admit, the nickname was growing on me.

"If you need a place to stay though," he eyed my suitcase "you know you're always welcome at my place."

I knew I just look crazy. Depressed over a boy one week and going to his house with a suitcase the next. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you...again."

He winked and I watched him get in his car and drive off. I watched until his taillights dissapeared before turning to the large house looming over me.

He had said other people lived here. Wouldn't it be weird if I just showed up?

Oh well, too late.

I rolled the suitcase up to the front door and glanced reassuringky at Grey's car parked not far from me.

He was here.

I knocked but nobody answerd, so I decided to just try the handle and the door swung open easily.

Okay, first huddle crossed.

I stepped inside, closing the door softly behind me. I still remembered my way around from the party and easily found the living room where a brunette was sitting, tapping away at her phone.

Her head whipped up before I even opened my mouth as if she just suddenly felt my presence. "Who are you?"

Okay, right to the point I see. "Um..hi. I'm looking for Grey?"

She eyed me down, her gaze lingering on my suitcase before bringing her eyes back to my face and popping her gum. "Upstairs. West wing. Last door."

And she went back to her phone.


I went to the stairs and decided to leave my case at the bottom. I couldn't begin to start lugging it all the way up there.

My stomach was in knots as I got to the top of the stairs. This was crazy, right? No sane person moved in with a werewolf they've known for three months.

West wing. They had wings.

Quick flashback to Geography class, I figured west was left and headed there.

I passed a few door but as I was nearing the end of the corridor, there were none until the door at the end that had light streaming from under it.

Okay this was it. Could he have changed his mind? What if he didn't want me here? What would I do?

I exhaled loudly and rubbed my palms together. I was twisting the door handle before it even occurred to me to knock.

The door was open and it budged easily. Only that I immediately wished it hadn't.

Grey was naked. Okay, he had a towel around his waist and pressed to his front? Was Lily, his friend. The one he assured me was nothing more than a friend. Dressed in some kind of slutty outfit that left nothing to the imagination.

Grey's wide eyes were on me, his mouth open. Tears blurred my vision as I turned and ran back the way I came.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I felt very stupid. Of course he was with her. My parents had warned me about boys but I had told myself Grey was different.

Now look at me.

"Gracie!" I heard Grey's footsteps pounding behind me before he easily caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

I snatched it back as if his touch burned, which it nearly did "Don't touch me!"

"Gracie, please"

"I can't believe you!" I swiped angrily at the tears "I can't believe myself! How stupid could I be?"

"Baby, please. I swear it's not what it looked like."

I scoffed. Of course it wasn't. I looked behind him where Lily was coming from. She caught my eye and smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"G bear." She said as she reached us, touching him arm lightly "We can do it tomorrow. I'll leave you two to talk."

I can't believe this.

He ignored her and she walked away.

"Baby, I swear. I swear, nothing happened! I would never..." His eyes were wild, afraid.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to his room. As soon as the door shut, I pushed him against and and pressed my lips roughly to his. His arms wrapped around me immediately. I let my hand run over his chest, just a mass of muscles, exploring until I stopped and pulled away, pushing him back.

His eyes were dark and we were both panting.

"Baby" he was confused.

"I trust you. I know that nothing happened between you and her but I am mad that you put yourself in a position where something could have happened. I don't like that at all and you will have to do some serious grovelling. Now go and get my suitcase from the bottom of the stairs. I need to get changed and get to bed. Today has been one hell of a day." I put my hands on my waist, waiting for him.

"I- y- wh- ho- whatt????" He stumbled through his words.

"I'm not moving with my parents." I said.

His face went from confused, to shocked until a smile spread out on his face, showing his dimples. "You're moving in with me?"

I nodded and laughed as he swept me up into his arms and started peppering my faces with kisses. "Gracie, you own my heart, you know that?"


Here's a chapter just cos you guys are so awesome! ❤

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