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"So you guys don't celebrate Christmas??"

The three boys shook their heads, looking at me warily.

"Like, at all?" I was aghast, "No presents, no carrols, no tree...nothing???"

Grey chuckled, "Gracie calm down"

"No! How do you not celebrate Christmas???" Christmas was my favorite holiday and also the time I love my family the most. We always had hot cocoa around the tree while Long Time Ago In Bethlehem played in the background and we also had all sorts of games...it really was the most wonderful time of the year.

"I don't know...we just never have" Grey shrugged.

"Okay, well you are this year. How many people live at your house?"

He squinted as he thought, "Fi- no Six"

The mental calculations I'd been making stopped... I'd been expecting a lot more, "What about the rest of the pack?"

"Well, our house is the main pack house and only the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma's family is allowed to live there, the rest of the pack live in a bigger pack house not far from ours" he explained

"So right now, it's just me, these two and Mason's sister, my mum, and of course, you"

His mum, I still hadn't met her and I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Mason has a sister?"

Mace grimaced, "Yeah, Lana"

I'd never heard him speak about her before.

"Do you think people would mind if we had a Christmas dinner this year?" I bit my lip, I didn't want to step on any toes.

Grey wrapped his arms around my waist, "Gracie, you're their Luna. They'll have to dance in fire if you want them to".

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I fished it out. It was from Scott.

How do you want to do our assignment?


I looked around the cafeteria and spotted him sitting near the back with Ciara.

I texted back, What assignment?

His reply was almost instantaneous, Forgot you missed class. Chemistry. We have a project to submit next week and you're my partner.

Fudge. Fudge fudge fudge.

This was going to be difficult. Not because it was chemistry... although that was a major problem...but because Scott and I would have to work together and Grey didn't like Scott.

Plus I lived with Grey now and went to and fro school with him. Which already ruled out Scott and I meeting up after school because I didn't want Grey to be stuck waiting for me.

That left only lunch time to meet. I looked at my watch, we had 25 minutes left for lunch. We could at least get started.

Let's meet in the library.

I began packing up my stuff, "Grey, I have to go and get started on my Chemistry project".

He didn't miss a beat, "who's it with?"

I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder, "Scott"

At his name, all three wolves growled and Grey shot up, "No" he stopped at my squinted eyes, "I mean, I really don't want you to be alone with that guy Gracie".

"Well, I have to work with him or I fail so.."

"I'll come with you", he began packing his stuff too.


"No. It's either I come with you each time or I have a word with you Chemistry teacher".

"You can't behave like this each time I have to work with a boy!"

"I don't! It's just this boy".

I huffed, knowing he wasn't going to leave it, "Fine"

He smiled, the smile of somebody used to always getting what he wants.

I looked at where Scott had been but he had alrady left for the library.

We got to the library doors and I pushed them open, going in first. Scott spotted me immediately, waving and smiling but his smile dropped when Grey came in behind me.

Grey grabbed my hand as we made our way towards him.

"He's staying?" Scott nodded to Grey.

"Apparently" I said under my breath.

I sat down opposite Scott and as Grey made to sit next to me I glared at him.

He rolled his eyes and went and sat at the table behind us.

Scott glared at the back of Grey's head until I cleared my throat, "Should we start?"



I watched Gracie and Scott from my seat behind them like I had done for the past few days that they'd been working together.

My jaw hardened when I looked at him and relaxed the moment my eyes touched her. It was a stressful process.

It annoyed me that I still couldn't find anything wrong with this Scott guy. We had done all sorts of research on him and knew everything about him from where he was born to his least ice cream flavor.

But my wolf still don't trust him. And my wolf was never wrong. Animals have the best instincts, wolves especially. I didn't like him being on my territory and I really didn't like this new bond he was forming with my mate.

I was too busy for this shit. We were still on the trail of this "chosen one" and we had even started getting letters from him now, dropped right at my doorstep.

You couldn't get within ten miles of my fucking driveway without the guards knowing- not to talk of getting to my doorstep. Consistently.

Which meant there was somebody on the inside. It pained me to think that one of my wolves was literally a dead wolf walking but if that was how it had to be, so be it.

I watched as Gracie laughed at something and I grimaced. What was there to laugh about in Chemistry??!?

I focused on Scott again. He wasn't human. He smelt like something that was trying really hard to take on a human scent and to any ordinary wolf, it would have worked. But I knew.

I didn't know what creature he was. But I was definitely going to find out.

And when I did...

Boy was somebody going to have his heart shredded.

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