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Like a complete creep, I watched my mate as she slept. She had insisted on sleeping in a guest room. I chuckled, remembering how she had argued that this was different when I reminded her that I'd slept in her bed with her more than once. She claimed that people would talk if she stayed in my room.

Not that I gave a shit what anybody thought, but I didn't want her to be upset so, I agreed and put her in the room right next to mine.

She wiggled her nose in her sleep before changing positions and facing away from me.

I still couldn't believe that she was here. My mate's in my house. Gracie is the room next to mine.

I knew something must have happened with her parents to make her change her mind but she looked really exhausted the night before so I didn't ask her about it.

She stirred a bit before her eyes finally opened. I watched her eyes widen as her face went from fear, to confused, before she remembered where she was and how she got there and she relaxed and sank back into her pillows.

She lay there for a few minutes before sluggishly pulling herself up from the bed. Her eyes scanned the room and then she jumped when they settled on me.

"Grey! My goodness...you scared me!"

I smiled, she was so cute. I got up and walked over to her to wrap my hands around her waist, "Good afternoon baby"

She tried to stay mad at me but her expression faltered and a smile crept unto her face, "Good aft- wait what!"

She pulled away, "Did you just say afternoon?!"

"Yup, it's-" I checked my watch, "1:04"

"What! I've never slept this late in my life! Today's a school day! Why didn't you wake me??? Oh my God!" She gripped her hair as she ran around the room.

I watched her for a bit before deciding to let her out of her misery, "Relax, you won't get in trouble."

She came to a stop in front of me, "What do you mean? Why won't I?"

Because the principal is in my pack and I'll rip off his head if he so much as gives you a warning.

But I thought it smart not to say that out loud, "I called in and said you were sick. Besides, we're at the end of the term, not much work is being  done anyway"

"I've never missed a day of school in my life!"

I smiled, wrapping my arms around her waist again, "But you're forgetting the one good thing about today."

She furrowed her brows, "What?"

"You get to spend it with me"

She looked at me doubtfully and I teased, "Your very handsome boyfriend wants to spend the whole day with you and you're not even grateful. What has this world come to?"

She stuck her tongue out at me, "You're the lucky one, getting to spend time with me"

"You're right, I'm extremely lucky." I leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her lips, "Now will you go and get ready?"

Her cheeks were pink as she went into the adjoining bathroom and I laughed. She. Was. So. Damn. Cute.


We finally arrived at the crowded mall after an hour on the road. I looked at Grey in the driver's seat as he tried to find a parking spot and smiled, I can't believe he brought me all the way to Marlston just to watch a movie.

Marlston was the next town over and considerably bigger than ours in terms of population, size... everything. In Valley Hill, we had just one old movie theatre that showed movies two months- or more, after they premiered which was exactly why Grey had brought us here, to see a movie.

He finally found somewhere to park and came around to open my door. I got out and he grabbed my hand immediately before pressing the button on his key to lock the car.

"What movie do you want to see?" He asked as we walked into the mall, his arm now around my shoulders.

I shrugged, "I don't really know, I haven't been to a cinema in years."

I've only been one other time.

His jaw hardened a bit at that before relaxing, "Okay, come on, I'll choose."

We ended up seeing some action movie which I didn't find very interesting because, honestly, who enjoys violence?

After the movie, we got some ice cream cones and strolled through the mall eating them. For the first time in my life, I felt normal...like the other teenagers.

I was walking through a mall, holding hands with my boyfriend after seeing a movie. It wasn't something I'd ever seen myself doing.

"How can black be your favourite colour?" I laughed at him.

"Okay it's might be brown because your eyes are extremely pretty"

I laughed, shoving him a little "Su-" I stopped as I spotted an arcade. "Let's go there!!!"

I didn't wait for an answer as I began to pull Grey towards the doors of the arcade. I'd always wanted to go to one of these places.

We got coins from the person at the entrance and proceeded into the maze of game machines.

"Well, what do you want to play?" He asked me and I suddenly felt very intimidated. There were so many options.

My face must have expressed that because Grey chuckled and pulled me to the basketball machine. "Let's just play this, yeah?"

The hoop at the top of the machine kept moving horizontally, back and forth and you had to try to throw as many balls in as possible.

We finished our cones first before turning to the machine, "Ready, to lose Brewer?"

"I think you should be scared, Finely."

We fed the coins in the and hoop started moving. I started throwing the balls as quickly as I could, shoving Grey so that he'd lose his balance.

At the end, I won with 38 balls to Grey's 35. "Yesssss!!!!!!" I screamed and danced around. I really hadn't thought I'd win. "You lose Brewer!"

He looked angrily at the machine as if it was it's fault. "It's not fair!"

I looked at the time on my phone, it was past five and I still needed to go and pick up the rest of my stuff from my house like I'd told my parents I would.

Ugggh what a horrible way to end such a perfect day. "Grey it's getting late. We should get going, I have to stop at my house."

He frowned, "Why?"

I explained to him what had happened yesterday night and why I had to go back while we walked to the car.

He was breathing hard when I finished, "Your father hit you?"

"Calm down" I smiled at him "It's never happened before."

"It's going to be really hard for me not to hurt him in every way possible, Gracie" he grit his teeth.

"Well you better try" I leaned up and kissed him and he instantly relaxed. "Let's go."

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