Chapter IV: Story Time

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Sorry, late update.. I've been very busy since I just passed the Boards but I'm soooo happy because I'm already a Registered Nurse. Yahoo! :D

Anyway, here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it!

Picture of Ruby on the side.


I didn’t remember how and when did I sleep, over thinking about that gay flirt. But someone disturbed me from dreamland poking my cheek repeatedly and I know only one person does that.

“Ruby” I said muffled by my pillow. “Do that again and I swear you’ll wake up one morning looking like a smurf”

Ruby giggled and sat down at the side of my bed. “You’re too harsh and serious scarlet. I just woke you up because it’s story time! So… what’s interesting that happened today karmiy?”

I groaned sitting beside her, “Don’t call me that”

“Why? Because only Raf can call you that? Hmm.. karmiy?” she said in a teasing tone.

I haven’t explained that yet. Raf, being the genius as he is, started to call me ‘karmiy’ when we were still in freshman year. He said that it’s a Hebrew word for scarlet or crimson. He wanted to have a nickname, that he made, for me, and only him will call me that nickname.

“I take it back. You’ll be a smurf, right now!” I growled ready to pounce at her.

She just giggled standing up and moving away from my reach.

“Why all so grumpy today karmiy?

I glared at her. “Okay, okay!” lifting her hands up in surrender, “I’ll stop now, but… I think I know what happened today. Someone here is getting more crazy and madly in love with a very flirty gay because this gay is so perfect, sweet, charming, funny, hot, kind—“

“Stop it Ruby!” I shouted, “I get it okay! Everything you said is right and…” I looked down staring at my shaking hands, “…I don’t know what to do anymore” finishing it with barely a whisper.

Ruby sat on my bed again and held my hand, “Hey, lighten up sis. I thought you said being in love was supposed to be happy. As long as the one you love is happy, it doesn’t matter if that person doesn’t love you back”

I heaved a sigh staring at the window, the sky is starting to dim. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated because that gay flirt, also known as my best friend, did his ways on me again.”

Suddenly ruby squealed, “Oh god, so he kissed you again? How was it?”

I rolled my eyes, “The same with all the times he kissed me. I was still left shocked and looked stupid”

She just laughed at me.

“It’s not funny”

“But it is”

“You sound like my annoying voice in my head”

She just laughed at me… again. She and Raf always do that, laughing at me even if I’m not intending to make them laugh. As if my face is already a joke for them. Ugh.

I started telling her about what happened in today’s event. Me and ruby are very close even if we have a two-year gap. She’s in her sophomore year. She is so pretty with the same red hair as mine except hers is lighter, flowing until her waist. She has deep-dark brown eyes with long lashes that she got from dad, flawless white skin and a perfect cheer-leader body.

We always tell stories about our everyday life, especially my everyday life with Raf. She knows almost all my secrets, one of it is how I felt for Raf. I’m really thankful that she’s always there listening to me. It’s good when you have someone to tell the things that you want to get out of your system making you at ease.

“I’ll be seeing more of the flirt acts later dinner and I’m getting psyched about it right now!” She said fist pumping, “Oh this is going to be fun”

“I’m not planning to be bothered by Raf’s flirty ways later” I snapped.

She scoffed, “Whatever scarlet! You do know you act weirdly when he’s around. It’s as if you’re a different scarlet compared to whom I’m talking now”

“It’s normal.” Shrugging, I stand up to grab my phone in my study table. “Girls have three different personalities. They have different personality when they’re with their family. When with friends and when with the one they love.”

“Oh… where did you get that?” tilting her head to look at me.

“From twitter” I said grinning showing her my phone.

Her eyes widened like having a twitter is really surprising, “You have twitter? Why are you not following me?”

I shrugged twirling my red hair, “I don’t know. You’re not following me either”

“Because you didn’t tell me you have one!”

“You sounded like it’s a big deal”

“But it is! I have to have a lot of followers”

“What for?”

“To look famous” she said smiling sheepishly.

“Ugh. What’s with twitter and teens these days. I’m not even tweeting, I’m just creeping”

“More like stalking Raf and you sounded like you’re not a teenager anymore”

“FYI dear sister… first! I do not stalk Raf, I j-just want to be updated of what he’s doing and second! I’m 18 , so technically I’m an adult now”

“Too defensive scarlet”

“Whatever! You’re irritating sometimes”

“And you act like an old-maid sometimes like Ms. Kendall” she said, hiding her laughter.

“I am not!”

“Defensive again”

“Why you—”

“You two!” We both gasped, surprised at the sudden voice. I held my chest, my heart beating fast. “Stop chit chatting or whatever you call it and just get out from this room and help me in preparing for our dinner later!” Mom said in her shrieking voice again, interrupting our little argument.

“Okay mom” we chorused sighing.


Short chapter.

I just want to show the relationship of Scarlet and her sister, Ruby.

Vote or Comment please, I will love you forever. :D

Next chapters will be more funny and interesting. Ciao!

CERTIFIED GIRL FAGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ