Chapter XIII: He's a Killer

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I'm soooo sorry for the late ulpoad! But here it is... :D

Note: I changed something in the last chapter in Rupert's part 'cause he talks like a gay..haha

anyways, you can reread it if you want. ^_^

This chapter is dedicated to @PrincessofLiliput for making the awesome banner on the side! Thank you dear! :D

Read and enjoy! Vote and Comment please. Thanks!


B*tch. Disgusting. Third Rate.

Until now, I can’t believe Christina said those words to me. I even thought I was dreaming and my subconscious just showed how jealous I was when she tried flirting with Raf. But no, it was real.

What’s her problem? I didn’t even do anything to her?

I should be telling what happened to Raf or Elina or Ruby or even Rupert but I decided to shut my mouth.

Two reasons…

One: I don’t want anymore drama

And two: I’m afraid of Christina and the things she can do

She might attack me or feed me to their large dogs or worst, hire a serial killer and kill me then bury my body in a deserted forest then no one will ever find my body so they’ll just forget me and they will all have a happy ever after except me… and…

I’m so paranoid! I should stop watching weird series and movies. But who knows… Christina might actually do that. With all her evilness, richness and millions of dollars!

I don’t even know why I’m so scared of her!

That night, I didn’t talk to anyone. I pretended I had a headache and thankfully Elina and Raf didn’t asked anymore questions. They left me in our dorm room as they went for dinner. I fell asleep trying to figure out what will I do about my issues on Christina, Liam and Raf.

Sadly, I didn’t thought of anything with sense aside from hiding from Christina and Liam.

You should just bury both of them.

Yup! My second voice is really the abusive one… she’s not my conscience!

I woke up at around eight in the morning from a shrill, beaming voice of El telling me that she’ll get going for her class. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!

Wincing, I sat upright rubbing my sleepy eyes, “I hate mornings and I surely hate El right now!” I whined as I got up from bed and went to take a shower.

I only have half day of classes during Saturdays so I got nothing else to do after my class. I don’t want to just stay inside the dorm ‘cause I’ll just overthink again. Raf and Elina have classes until afternoon so I’m all alone and I don’t really want to see them yet ‘cause they might feel that I’m hiding something.

Or more like afraid of someone. Ugh!

So… I really have no choice but to stroll around the vast area of the University since I still haven’t seen the whole place.

I kept on walking around the campus with my eyes also roaming three hundred sixty degrees to see any signs of Christina or Liam. I felt like a criminal hiding from police!

I never thought walking was so tiring as I stopped at a dead end. I was really exhausted, hands on my knees and panting hard. The strolling thing was a very good idea ‘cause it helped me forget the things that were swirling inside my head.

But I suddenly felt frightened as I realized I’m alone on a dead end with no people around. Damn you horror suspense movies!

I started to walk a bit faster towards a building but stopped dead on my tracks when I saw Mr. Cooper near the rear of the building talking to someone on his phone. He looks different but still hot with his straight cut jeans, black boots, and a black leather jacket with white shirt underneath.

CERTIFIED GIRL FAGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora