Chapter XV: Discordia

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love. love. love

it's a short chapter again 'cause I have to cut it since the next one is not connected... ^_^

and I have an Announcement: I'll be uploading the next chapters every weekend because I'll be very busy now for work and all (I feel so old again..rawr), at least I'll still upload one chapter a week.

I hope you understand awesome people. :))

Enough of my babble!

Read! Read! Read! Vote and comment pretty please. :D


“Dad”, Raf said and I saw his whole body still tensed and restrained.

His dad looked irritated looking at *gulp*… me.

He has that powerful and confident aura that makes every person bow down to him. You can very well see that Raf and Rupert got their looks and almost all their features from their dad. Great blue eyes, dark brown hair, pin pointed nose, height and all their handsomeness and hotness.

And no, I’m not checking out Raf’s dad. That would be disturbing. Ewww!

“This is Scarlet, she’s my bestriend” Raf spoke in a flat tone disturbing his dad’s intense gaze on me.

His dad didn’t seem to hear him or maybe pretended not to hear him as he turned his head to look at Raf and smiled warmly, “No hug for your old man? We haven’t seen each other in a while” He said opening his arms walking slowly towards Raf.

Raf awkwardly gave a man hug to his dad and immediately pulled off after his dad patted him on the back.

“Stand up straight, boy. You move like a girl” His dad said patting him once again on the back. I saw Raf winced a bit but didn’t utter a word.

I would have loved to respond ‘Of course he moves like a girl, he’s a gay!’ but his dad scares me. He’s scarier than Christina!

So I just kept my mouth shut looking stupid watching them as I was standing at the side of the room.

“How’s your mom?” His dad asked as he paced slowly at the room looking at the furniture, “She does still have her work, isn’t she?” He continued to ask with a knowing tone. He stopped walking, now looking intently at Raf with a knowing smile on his lips.

I can see Raf restraining himself. As if he wanted to punch his dad asking about his mom and I’m confused why.

He inhaled deeply, “Yes” He plainly answered through gritted teeth.

Maybe I should just exit the room. I think I’m disturbing a family discussion here. I started to step my foot and turned slowly towards the door but Raf immediately gripped my left hand, squeezing it. I gazed up at his face but he wasn’t looking at me, for the second time he pressed my hand. I got the message, so I stayed put returning his gesture. His face softened when he felt my hand squeezed his.

I don’t have any clue what’s happening but I do know Raf needs me here.

His dad suddenly seated at the sofa then looked back at Raf once again, still smiling… I really don’t like his smile…

“She should be thanking me then” He said, confidence radiating on his voice.

“Why will she thank you?! You’re the reason—” Raf snapped but cut himself glancing at my direction. He ran a hand through his hair and I can see clearly that he doesn’t want me to hear his outburst.

I placed a hand on his arm and lightly caressed it. I looked at his dad and saw him still smiling but his eyes where a different matter. It screamed danger and anger. And it rhymes.

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