Chapter XXI: I hope it Rains

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two chapters in a week, I'm awesome right?

Okay, I'll stop being boastful. Haha!

Read away! :D


I hope it rains.

I hope it rains.

I hope it rains.

I hope it rains.

I hope it rains.

With all the lightning and thunders that comes with it.

That’s what I’ve been asking and wishing for the past two flippin’ hours.

I think my god-fairy is on vacation right now.

*giggle* *giggle*

Speaking of vacation, it’s almost the end of October and less than two months, the semester ends. I just hope I have peaceful holidays celebrating with my family and friends.

And with the last two months in college, I hope I can still survive.

*flirty laugh* *giggle*

Breathe in… Breathe out…

I don’t know why I’m busy talking to myself but I do know I needed a distraction before I tackle someone on the ground.

Elina was so immersed reading and learning that she thought of a new way of reviewing which is to make her book a pillow, snore her heart out and drift away to dreamland.

And a while ago she said she’d back me up. She’s really a very trusted friend. Like she said, I should say ‘note the sarcasm’. Yes! I’m being sarcastic right now! If only I could tell this to her but nope I can’t since she’s fast asleep!

*giggle* *giggle*

I can’t stand this!

“That’s so funny Raffy” The curly, dirty blonde witch uttered flirtily then giggled once more.

I really don’t get it. What’s even funny? Raf just said something about genes.

What’s funny about DNA?!

And now you get what I mean about wishing for rain with lightning and thunders? I’m not gonna deny with the fact I’m really getting abusive!

Especially with girls who have big, evil eyes, scary lopsided smile, dirty blonde hair and an enchanting beauty from head to toe that masked her wickedness inside.

I don’t even know why I can still bear this moment sitting on the same table with her. Oh yeah I know, It’s because of a certain gay!

Back in our dorm room, Elina and I were about to go in the coffee shop to relax and relieve all the stress we’re having. But someone knocked on our door revealing a smiling Raf asking if he can hang out with us. And of course we said yes, why would I decline if that’s the time I can be with him.

Blame it on my heart.

We ordered coffee and decided to just take-out our orders and sit at the outdoor tables placed in the University as Raf suggested. What I didn’t noticed was that Raf ordered two coffee for him. And after half an hour, the witch came strutting with her heels clicking and hips swaying.

Raf always ruins our moment! Wait—we have moment now? I’m being too melodramatic lately but still, Raf ruins our time together. If only he could see the real Christina.

Another laugh, this time louder, came out from Christina which I think she purposely did to catch my attention and she did as I glanced at her direction. And I shouldn’t have done it ‘cause it only made my patience lessen. She was smiling evilly, head on Raf’s shoulder and her hand caressing Raf’s arm.

CERTIFIED GIRL FAGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ