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"Isn't it hard taking care of someone unrelated to you duchess?"

Looking up, my eyes met with Countess Bernadette's. Just because the Duke doesn't favor me, she dares to say as such.

I smiled "You wouldn't think like that if you love the person that you take care of, well what can I expect from someone who finds it bothersome to take care of their child, not to mention that it's their biological child huh?"

I saw how her eyes twitch, Countess Antonina was notorious for physically abusing both her daughter and son, good thing I learned a thing or two before coming here in the tea party.

"Is that perhaps an insult Your Grace?" She growl as she glares at me.

"I wish I could say the same Countess. Not only you insulted my decision and my son, you also dare to disrespect me, a Duchess. Do you still not know your place?"

"Ha!? You're no one if not for your noble title, an unfavored Duchess abandoned by her own husband. I wonder how can you still live in shame." She snorted and then laughed.

Sigh, how come I decided to come in tea parties like this? I should've just stayed at home. But this is also a duty of a Duchess, I must bear with it.

"Really." I stood up "It's getting late I must excuse myself." As I walk away I can still hear them snickering behind my back.

"What can we expect from an infertile Duchess? Adopting a commoner to be the heir? What a ridiculous thing to do! I will bet that sooner the Duke will file a divorce!"

"Absolutely, it'll be interesting if the child will get kick out alongside her haha!"


The whole room grew silent, all of the ladies' mouth were wide open as they stare at the drenched Countess.

"I guess I'll be notorious for splashing teas from now on then." I beamed at the Countess before walking out.

It's been 5 months the moment I reincarnated here, I must say that I grew accustomed of the noblewomen's way of insulting. At first I was only silent taking in every words they say, but last month I became---- wild?

Now I act like I'll die if I don't rebutted those bitches. I can't stand them, my hands are thirsty to get a fist of hair from those women who dares to insult me and my son Calix.

Those women were only brave because they're not from the South, if they're, I'll be sure to teach them a lesson.

The tea party today was hosted by Regan's aunt, Empress Teyla. But something urgent came so she left. I can still remember that those women were so kind to me that if I told them to lick my toes they would under the watchful eyes of the Empress.

It was not surprising to see their true faces after taking off their masks.

Kicking stones  while walking on the vast garden, I sat on the nearby bench when I got tired of walking. It was too early for me to go home, I guess I'll stay here for a moment to pass time. I'm sure that Regan would find it suspicious again if I went home early.

After the time where he sucked my fingers, it was extremely awkward on the following days. Calix was also trying his best to out an atmosphere when we're all in one place especially on breakfast and dinner.

Sigh, when will I get my divorce? Should I bring it up when I get back home? Yeah it's perfect, it'll almost be 2 months after adopting Calix. I also told him when we signed the contract that I'll act as the duchess for atleast 2 months, at most is 4. But he'll be thankful if I bring it up earlier right?

After those torturous nights! I'm sure he's dying to get rid of me!

I smiled and nodded at myself.

"I greet the only Duchess of the Empire." I was caught off guard when someone suddenly spoke earning a cautious glare from me.

Ash gray hair and his abyss eyes, I'm sure he's none other than Alessio.

"I greet the noble Grand Duke of the Empire, Grand Duke Alessio Kail Astaseul." I curtsied in front of him. I earned a handsome smile from him, getting sucked in those black eyes  of him. I feel like he's up to something but... It's not bad intention?? I think my intuition is fooling me..

"Why have you come here?" I asked. Not caring if I sound rude. I'm in a bad mood today so no can't do bout it..

"I was just passing by the garden, you see His Majesty called for me for the subjugation in the north. I smelled a sweet scent coming from here so I followed it."

Unintentionally I raised an eyebrow. I noticed it and then he began to laugh.

"You must've been thinking that I'm a dog."

"I'd say no because you're the Grand Duke but if I'm being honest then yes."

He laughed again, after a few couple of second he stopped. "Can I sit beside you My Lady?" He asked which I nodded on.

He sat beside me with just the right amount of distance. I'll strangle those who thinks that we're having an affair with this amount of distance. We are both at the end of the bench right now.

"I was always curious about you My lady." He started, I looked at him with my questioning eyes.

"I just don't get it why you're head over heals with Regan, I find it mystery. Yes perhaps he's handsome but aside from that he's nothing but a cold blooded man."

I turn to him "Are you here to talk shit with me about my husband?"

"T-talk sh?"

"It's no use on doing that your Grace. I know how cruel and a cold blooded man my husband is. Even back then when I was still his Fiance, he wouldn't treat me like he should. Talking behind his back like this won't result to anything."

He grinned at me "I'm not saying that I want something out of this talk My lady, what I want to know is what part of him that you love."

What part of him that I love?


"What? Did I heard it wrong?"

"You did hear right Your Grace."

"B-But why did the two of you?"

"As my former self, I must've been blinded by the power his family holds. His handsome face is just a plus on the package."

"Plus? Package?"

I stared at his confused face.

"Forget it."

He was suddenly silent. I looked at him and he was staring on the ground beneath him.

"If that's the case, why did you decided to break off our engagement?"


"If it's about wealth and power, I should be on the same par with Regan. Then why did you chose to break off our engagement, My Lady?"

March 9 2022

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