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They were the people who can wield dark magic. The ones who can manipulate the human minds, to take someone's soul in the blink of an eye, the ones who can revive someone from death, and the ones who can call on the demons.

In the end, they were hunted. They were overpowered and were outnumbered, there is no way for them to survive when the probability of their ability manifesting was almost close to zero.

In order to manifest the Dark magic, one should experience on how to feed on humans, or to kill one. But as stated, even if they experience killing, there's a huge chance that their ability will not manifest.

Ones hand should know the feeling of the warmth of blood. How thick, and how it smells.

They should know how it feels to be cruel...

Andheras who weren't able to manifest flee and hid from civilization, the others went as far as to live in caves or deep in the forest where different monsters live. Even the other live just a few blocks from the purgatory.

Some of them were not cruel. But under some circumstances, they were forced to be one.

Matilde, was the daughter of a kind Andheras. Her father and mother settled down deep in the forest in order to protect her from the empire, they never practiced dark magic and they were living a peaceful life.

Not until their peaceful home was found...

The imperial army bombed their entire house, killing both of her parents who hugged her in order to keep her alive.

Squeezed inside her parents' protective embrace, the last words they said was...

'Do not let hatred consume you...'

Until the end her parents never blamed those people for killing them. This only made Matilde's hatred for the empire grow inside her heart.

And the first act of cruelty began when she was 15 years old.

After her parents died when she was only 10 years old, she tried to work for a bar, it's either to wipe the customer's shoes or run an errand for the lady who owns the bar.

And just like that, 5 years later, Matilde became a stunning woman, still working in the bar, but this time, as a waitress. Her flaming red hair was so out of place, everyone in the village thought that Matilde would have had a good life in the capital if she just marry a noble or a rich man using her beauty.

But the stubborn Matilde refused to live like that.

S-class hunters came to the village to rest there after months of wandering the infamous death forest, a hunting ground owned by Marquis Esdaney. He's a neutral noble but has a strong relationship of friendship with the Duke of Bizeviron.

Elroi, the leader of the hunters was enchanted by Matilde's beauty. He proposed to marry her but Matilde refused. Enraged by this, he kidnapped her and took her away along with his men.

They went to a cave and attempted to violate Matilde, but due to the intense feeling of fear, Matilde awakened her powers and took away all of the hunter's life.

Her fear drove her to think of ways to kill the men, she thought of the cruelest way for them to die. Is it not cruel enough to manifest the magic?

Due to this incident, Matilde was afraid to be with humans. She fears that she might accidentally take away their life. So she decided to live and travel alone.

Thus, while traveling, she came across a hut where an old woman lives alone. The old woman was a dark magic user like herself but failed to manifest.

While staying there, she asked about their own kind, Andheras...

Andheras was the descendant of the heavenly beings.

Diana, and Azha were one of the celestials, along with the others like Mieaila.

Out of the 12 celestials, Diana, Azha and Mieaila were the favored ones. But curiosity drove Diana and Azha to sneak away from Celestine, the heavenly realm, and live with humans. This made the heavenly father mad at them and made them a 'sinful beings'. Which are what the humans know as Andheras.

The contract between the three races, Celestials and Demons are not allowed to go and meddle with the affairs of human beings, they are not allowed to come out of their lands. But because of what Diana and Azha did, the Demons had gain the reason to cross over the human realm as well.

Diana and Azha became celestials with human body, now, the have become mortals. Their exposure to human's emotion played a great role for the sudden shift of their way of thinking, they began to think about sins, and the forbidden. Thus, their magic took a turn from purity, to impurity. They made dark magic, a combination of divine and demonic power. 

Demonic powers reacts to negative emotions by anyone who can use magic. Celestials who have divine powers was able to use them, but the consequences was being corrupted...

Azha, was the first one to be corrupted...

Diana, who only longed to befriend humans ran away from him, and settled down in a remote place. There, she fell in love with a human and had children with him.

Azha, was not happy with Diana sharing her divine powers through blood, so he killed Diana's husband and children. Thus, he raped her and they had children with a natural divine and dark magic power. The Andheras were born...

Diana had 5 children with her human husband, they were Ferelith, Tiberius, Enoch, Latzel and Dianthe.

Ferelith the first born along with his younger brother, Tiberius and Enoch died protecting Latzel and Dianthe.

Latzel and Dianthe became the Ancestor of Bizeviron.

Diana's children with Azha were Anteros, Gus, Ozias, Kindred, Rhaegal and Kallias.

Azha's goal which was to multiply the dark magic power users happened through his children with Diana. Diana, after giving birth to Kallias killed herself in front of Azha. Azha tried to revive Diana but he failed.

He was able to wake up Diana's body, but not Diana herself...

Azha could no longer feel the divine power inside her, so he took away the soul that went inside Diana's body.

Azha continued to be cruel, but because of his punishment, he grew old, and died. Ten years after his death, the founding Empire decided to hunt Andheras. Azha's children and grand children died because of their lack of information about their powers. The other hid and preserved their powers. 

Anteros, is Teyla's Ancestor...

A/N: Hi! I'm going to be really surprised if my readers since day one (around june of 2021) are still here 😆. STILL, if you are, then thank you very much for being patient with me. I apologize for not updating, I'm reallyy busy right now and doesn't have time to write. I had to abandon my lifestyle in the past (writing and other stuff) in order for me to completely adapt to my new environment. But of course I would still write, but not as much as before. I hope you are still with me and give me hope on giving this novel a chance to have it's rightful ending and be the first ever novel that I will complete. That is all, have a great day and always stay safe 😊
October 14, 2023

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