Chapter Four

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A/N: Just for a side note, Y/F/H/M or F/H/M means your favourite horror movie. If you don't have one, choose any at random. I'm also going to have Sidney's POV (third person) as well because it's pretty important to the storyline. Also, it's a long chapter.

You sat on your living room couch, eating some pretzels and watching Y/F/H/M. Your substantial mansion was 4 stories, vast and huge with a spacious backyard, including a balcony on the second floor that you went to often. As F/H/M finished, the phone rang. You jumped abruptly and answered. 

"Hey, Y/N," Sidney's voice said from the other end. 

"Hey, Sid. You alright?" you asked, bringing the phone closer to your ear. "I'm okay. I was just calling to see if you're allowed to come over to Tatum's later, around 8?"

"Ah, shit. I forgot to ask my mom. Let me call you back a minute," you said and hung up. 

You dialled your mother's number and she answered on the fifth ring. "Hey, mom. Can I go to Tatum's later for a sleepover? Sidney will be there too. We were gonna go to Sid's but Tatum decided for us to go hers instead."

"Oh, honey," your mom sounded tired and exasperated. She didn't finish work until 10 and it was only 3:30. "I don't know. It's not safe out there after what happened to those poor teenagers."

You sighed. "Please, mom?," you pleaded, "Dewey will be there and he's a cop." "Oh, alright then. But, please, if something happens, call me." 

"Will do."

"Alright, have fun, sweetie. I love you." 

"Love you too," and with that, you hung up and called Sidney back. "Hey, Sidney. I can go. My mom said it's okay. She was adamant at first but I persuaded her."

"Okay, brilliant. Tatum will pick you up at seven," she said.

You both exchanged goodbyes and hung up. You was about to put a new movie in the VHS player but the sound of the door opening loudly made you jump. Hayden walked in, headphones in and a bagful of something indistinguishable. "You couldn't've opened the door louder, could you?" you complained. Hayden didn't hear you. You threw a pretzel at him. He took his headphone off and glared at you. "What was that for?"

"You because you're being a moron. You opened the door loudly, you came in late and you blatantly ignored me," you said. "Well, I've been busy, Y/N," he said and proceeded up the stairs. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and you watched the horror movie, Carrie. 


Sidney's POV (Third person)

Sidney lives in a huge, two story country home with a  spacious lawn. A yellow school bus stops in front of the house and Sidney reluctantly steps off. The house looks big and lonely as Sidney moves up the gravel to her front door. 


Sidney is on the telephone to Tatum. "Are you definitely sure I can stay over? My dad won't be back until Sunday."

"No prob! I'll pick you up after cheerleading practice. I changed plans for you and Y/N to come to mine instead, it's safer," Tatum said through the phone.

"Tell your mom I said thanks."

"Yeah, yeah. Are you okay?"

"Uh-huh, it's just... you know, the police and the reporters... it brings it all back," Sidney said anxiously. 

"I'll be there by seven. I promise. I'll pick Y/N up first, then you."

"Thanks, Tatum."


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