Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Final chapter. But, there'll be an epilogue!

"Randy!" you scream. You run over to Randy sitting on the floor, and you leap into his arms. He almost falls backwards. "Oh my God.. I thought you were dead! I'm... so.. glad you're okay!" you say through uncontrollable, happy sobs. He hugs you back tightly. "I'm okay. I'm alive." You let go and let him stand up. You smile a wide smile. Sidney comes rushing in the hallway. 

"Randy! You're alive!" she beams. "Yep, but barely. This shit hurts," he says, pointing to his gunshot wound. "That little fucker did it!" Randy points to Billy. You look down in guilt and sadness.

Randy manages to stand when a figure comes leaping at him, completely unexpected. It's Stu. He barrels into Randy and they fall into the living room. You grab the gun next to Billy and turn to the living room to find Randy and Stu rolling across the floor, wrestling, fighting, both severely injured. Get off of Randy, you fucker!" Hayden shouts. Hayden then whispers to you. "Come on, Y/N... pull the trigger and get this finished with." You don't want to pull the trigger but in this case, you have too. You don't want to hurt Stu. After everything he's done to you, he deserves it, but you can't bring yourself to do it. Your hands tremble. Suddenly, Sidney snatches the gun from you. She tries to find aim when a hand grabs hold of her ankle, toppling her to the floor. Billy is on top of her. 

Randy and Stu pound at each other, punching, beating and clawing. "STU, RANDY, STOP!" you scream loudly. They blatantly ignore you. Randy is becoming weaker and weaker as he sinks onto the floor, slowly losing consciousness. "Stu, stop it! He's dying! Stop!" you cry. You can't afford to lose Randy, you just can't. 

Sidney fights viciously, attacking Billy with everything she's got. Randy is desperately trying to pry away from Stu. With the last amount of strength he has, he grabs hold of the television set and tries to pull himself off the floor out of Stu's clutch. His hands find the top of the TV, the VCR. He yanks on it hardly, gripping it tightly with his hands, bringing it around with full force, crashing the VCR into Stu's head. Stu drops. His body goes limp. He's dead, you thought. Oh, how you were wrong. "Randy! Are you okay?" you ask worriedly. "I'm fine. Go and help Sidney..."

You hurriedly rush over to Sidney who is in need of desperate help. She digs her hand into Billy's open chest wound. He cries out. Her other hand brings the gun up to his face, but he head bunts it out of the front door. Suddenly, a flash of silver appears above Sidney. Billy has grasped the butcher knife. He rises it high above Sidney, ready to strike. "BILLY, NO!" you scream. But, a bullet rips through the foyer, striking Billy in the chest and knocking him back into the living room. You cry out loud and run to him. 

Gale Weathers holds the gun in a death grip as smoke rises above the gun's chamber. Sidney sits up as Gale moves to her, helping her up. Their eyes meet. A life truce. 

In the living room, you run towards Billy. Hayden is too busy talking to Randy worriedly to notice that you've slipped away. You crouch down beside Billy and shake him slightly. Stu lies next to him. "Billy, are you alive? Please... please tell me you are," you whisper. Billy opens his eyes and looks up at you. 

"I-I'm alive but I'm hurting like fuck," he says. He sits up, wincing. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," you respond. You look down sadly. "Why? Why would you do this, Billy? You've hurt me. I should absolutely detest you right now but I can't.. I love you too much. I'm too afraid to let you go," you say softly. Tears slide down your cheeks. "That's the worst thing about falling love.. you can't bring yourself to let go." Billy wipes away your tears with his thumb and he kisses you firmly. 

"I'll explain everything to you, but not right now. I love you, Y/N, and you only, but this has to be done. I'm gonna need you to do something for me.."

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