Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: We're almost there to revealing who the killer is. Listen to the parody song above while reading chapter. You can always do it after reading this chapter or before because the lyric's are important and also funny. Also, '~' means a timeskip and at different times on what different characters are doing at different times. 

Randy continues to watch TV while Hayden is out cold. Randy is now sloppy drunk, completely involved with the movie on screen. Scary music swells, filling the room. Hayden stirs. 

"No, Jamie! Look behind you! Watch out! Behind you!" Randy says to the TV. If he followed his own advice, he'd notice Ghostface that stands directly behind him, knife poised, ready to stab. 

Kenny finishes off a soda and crushes the empty can in his hand. He tosses it to the floor when a sudden movement from the monitor catches his eye. On the monitor is Randy, still on the couch, engrossed in the movie. Directly behind him is Ghostface. Kenny also notices Hayden waking up slowly, unaware of Ghostface's presence. Kenny does a double-take. He watches as Ghostface stands still, not moving, knife raised. "JESUS, FUCK!" he exclaims. 

Ghostface takes a silent step forward. Kenny screams at the monitor. "BEHIND YOU. LOOK BEHIND YOU!"

Kenny bolts out of his seat and goes for the side door. He slides it open and sticks his head out as a long, sharp blade comes at Kenny, fast and furious. It slices his throat. Kenny falls forward helplessly, out the door as Ghostface is upon him. 

On the monitor, Ghostface has turned away from Randy, leaving him and Hayden unharmed, moving instead, out the front door, on a thirty second walk to the news van.


The attic is long and narrow, cluttered with furniture, boxes. Moonlight filters in through a small raised window on the front wall of the house. You move through the attic, bumping into things, knocking over stuff. You pass a dusty mirror, jumping at your own reflection. You cringe at your image, drenched in Billy's blood. You stare long and hard, something about the blood, the redness of it. You ignore it and move on, determined. You eye the raised window above you. It's your only way out. But, if only you could reach it..

In the front yard, Gale and Dewey coming running up the drive, frantic.  "I'll call for backup!" Dewey shouts. "I'll get my camera!" Gale says. They split up. Gale rushes to the news van, throwing open the door.

"Kenny! Camera! Quick!" But it's empty. "Kenny?" A car horn goes off. Gale spins around. It comes from the patrol jeep in the driveway. "Dewey?"

She moves across the yard to the jeep, the door hangs open. Dewey is nowhere to be found.

"Dewey? Where are you?" A look of dread washes over Gale's face.


You have stacked object after object building a ladder to the window. You climb to the time, holding onto the window frame. You spot Gale almost immediately. You scream out, looking for the window latch. But there's isn't one. It doesn't open. You start beating on it, trying to break it. 

Gale's hanging tough, approaching the front door, unable to hear your ear-splitting screams three floors up. Gale reaches for the door just as she hears loud, horrible shrieks from inside. She backs away. 

An ear-curdling Jamie Lee Curtis scream blasts thought the empty living room as the horror movie on the TV comes to it's horrifying climax. Randy and Hayden are now gone. 

Gale races across the yard putting distance between her and the house. She moves back to the news van. 

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