Chapter Six

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A/N: Long chapter. The longest one yet :p

Once again, reporters line the street attacking students as they make their way to school, asking questions, hungry for that teenage insight. Dewey's patrol jeep cruises by. You watch from the passenger window. Dewey pulls up in front of the school. Tatum hops out with Sidney while you linger, suddenly unsure. Dewey takes immediate notice. "Hey, it's school. You'll be safe here."

You force yourself out of the jeep as a microphone is shoved in your face. Next to you, you see Sidney with the same problem. "How does it feel to be nearly brutally murdered?" a reported asks you and Sidney. Dewey leaps from the jeep, intercepting the reporter. "Leave the girls alone, would ya? They just want to go to school."

Sidney eyes the news van that pulls up behind her. The side door slides open and Gale Weathers steps out. "Come on, Sid. Come on, Y/N," Tatum says. 

"Just a sec, I need to talk to someone," Sidney said. She heads over to Gale. "This isn't necessarily going to go good, is it?" you say to Tatum. 

You follow her. Sidney puts her head down, hiding her face. She avoids other reporters as she makes her way to Gale who sits in the open door, checking her face in the mirror. Makeup tries hard to hide Sidney's handwork - a swollen blue and black right cheek. Gale spots Sidney immediately and leaps to her feet. "Stop right there." Sidney throws up her hands in surrender. "I'm not here to fight." "Hey, Sid!" you catch up to her, out of breath.

"Just stay back." 

"I want to talk to you," Sidney said.

"Kenny, camera! Now." Kenny's head darts out from the van. 

"Off the record. No cameras." 

"Forget it," Gale says and Sidney contains herself. You give Gale a death glare. "Please. You owe me."

"I owe you shit." Gale moves inside the van but Sidney is relentless. "You owe my mother!"

"Sid..." you say but she ignores.

"Your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. Somebody was gonna write a book about it," Gale said.

"Oh and it had to be you with all your lies and bullshit theories."

You spoke up. "Gale, just stay away from us, got it?"

"What is your problem? You got what you wanted. Cotton Weary is in jail. They're gonna gas him. A book is not gonna change that."

"Shut up about your book for once, Gale," you fired.

"Do you still think he's innocent?" Sidney asks. Gale's interest is peaked. She eyes Sidney suspiciously. "He was convicted in the court of law. Your testimony put him away. It doesn't matter what I think."

"During the trial, you did all those stories about me. You called me a liar," Sidney said.

"I think you falsely identified him. Yes."

"Have you talked to Cotton?"

"Many times," Gale replies confidently.

"Has his story changed?"

"Not one word. He admits to having sex with your mother but that's all."

"He's lying. She wouldn't have touched him. He raped her, then butchered her. Her blood was all over his coat," Sidney says, tears in her eyes. You put your hand on her shoulder. "He was drunk that night. He left his coat at your house, after your mother seduced him.."

"I saw him leave wearing it."

"But couldn't it have been someone else you saw wearing that coat? The same person who planted it in Cotton's car, framing him? The same person who really killed your mother." Sidney considers this for the millionth time.

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