Chapter 1

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Got damn it, how did this happen again.

In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, I'm currently running 15 minutes late for school because I stayed up to study for my chem test, which I am now running late for, and now I'm currently running down the hall to make it to class before it ends. As I am running down the hall, I almost bump into random people in the hallway. I am running and running and then I bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I say

"No, I'm sorry. I was not paying attention to where I was going."

"Oh no, you are fine." I was kind of running down the hall anyway. "

"Wait, are you new?" I have never seen you before. "

"Yes, I am. I just moved here from Maryland."

"Oh okay, well welcome to Utah. My name is Graylee. Nice to meet you..."

"Willow", she fills in for me.

"Well, it is nice to meet you, Willow."

"Do you need some help finding where you are going?"

"Yes please, this place is just so big I just can't find anything."

"Trust me, I know I still get lost, and I have been here for 3 years now."

"Let me see your schedule."

She hands me her schedule and I look it over.

Okay, we have chemistry, lunch, geometry, and reading together. Well, I'm
headed to chemistry right now, so you can just follow me. "

As she follows me, I get a good look at her. She is short, maybe around 5'2 or 5'4, she has brownish blonde hair, she has brown eyes and she is wearing a white crop top with blue jeans and black boots. She ultimately looks like a really cute girl.

Once we make it to chemistry, I open the door, and everyone looks up. I just go straight to my seat in the back by the window and Willow goes straight to the teacher.

"Class" I am sorry to interrupt you, but I would like to introduce you to our new student, Willow Sage. She just moved here from Maryland.
Welcome to Utah. You can sit next to Graylee. We are taking a test. You will take it as well, but I don't expect you to get 100 or anything. I'm just going to use it as a way to see where you are at. Here is a test, and here take one for Greylee as well. You have 30 minutes to finish the test," the teacher tells her.


Class ends and it's now time for lunch. I'm pretty sure I did pretty well on the test. I grab my things and turn my test in and walk out the door. As I'm walking, I look to my side and I see Willow by my side. "Hi," I tell her, "Hi," she tells me back.

"Can I sit with you at lunch?" she asks.

"Sure, if you don't mind sitting with me and my friends."

"I don't mind."

We walk over to my usual table, and as I am walking, I notice my friends are already there. We get to my table, and I sit down in my usual spot.

"Hi guys."

"Hi Greylee," Nova says,

Nova Lorie Watson has golden brown skin and dark long silky straight hair and has dark brown eyes. She is the friend in the group that constantly has boys hitting on. If I'm being completely honest with you I don't know how we became friends. We just talked one day and clicked instantly.

"Hi Grey," Aspen says, "

Aspen Jameson Wilson is the only guy in the group he pale skin and blonde hair that is flat on top of his head. He has blue eyes and blue circle glasses and he plays hockey and he is constantly sleeping with somebody. He just randomly showed up at are table one day and has been in the friend group ever since.

"Hi Lee," Emelia says,

Emelia Brooke Johnson has pale skin and wavy curly brown hair and she is super smart and super shy and is also socially awkward. We became friends over that actually she was at a party and she was by herself and she looked really out of place so I sat with her and talked to her for hours and the rest is history.

"Who is this, Lee?" Emelia asks

I look at Willow, who is standing right by me.

"Oh, this is Willow. She just moved here from Maryland."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I am Emelia. On my right is Aspen, and to my left is Nova," Emelia says.

"Nice to meet you all too."

Willow sits right next to me and takes a turkey and cheese sandwich and chips out of her bag.

As we are eating, a random guy comes up to our table and goes straight to Willow. "Willow, do you have any cookies?" he asks her. "Yeah, here you go Luca." She opens her bag and takes out the cookies and gives them to this Luca person. As I look at them, I notice they look like twins. He looks like a boy version of Willow, but he is taller and has green eyes. "Thank you, Willow," he says, and then he leaves.


Finally, the day is over. I just got home, and the first thing I do is go into the kitchen and grab a snack. I grab a sweet tea and some crackers. I go into my room and throw my bag onto the floor. I go to my bookshelf and grab a book and read and eat my snack till sleep takes me over.


Authors note:

I hope you like the first chapter of My Constant. I am not a writer in any way and I have never written a book before so please bare with me.

Word count:982

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