Chapter Six

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Laying there I could hear both brothers argue, but they were too far away to hear what they were saying. I got up out of bed and walked over to the door.

I was about to put my ear to the door but thought better of it, so I walked over to the doors and opened them up. I loved having this balcony off my bedroom.

I wore the black nightgown again; it was cool enough since the air seemed warm enough that I did not need a robe to wrap around myself.

As I stood on the balcony looking around, the sun was just waking up and rising over the water. Perfect timing, I thought as I have always enjoyed a good sunrise.

I was lost in thought when a warm body pressed lightly against me, jumping a bit, I turned and saw it was Duke looking down at me.

"Good morning" he said

"Good morning" I said a bit breathlessly, feeling his body so close to mine was creating a fog in my mind.

A fog I did not mind being there since he was the one creating it.

The air seemed to crackle with electricity, our eyes were locked onto each other. My breathing became shallow as my heart raced.

His eyes became darker as his breath also became shallow, my hand was itching to touch his face, to trail my fingers along that strong jaw line.

Duke's hand came up to my face as he traced my jawline and down my neck to my shoulder. As my core burned hotter Duke suddenly inhaled.

Just before I threw caution to the wind and kissed him my bedroom door flew open.

"Hey" Evan said walking in.

The spell that held Duke and me in place was broken as he stepped back a bit.

I turned around quickly so I could regain my breathing.

"Morning Evan" I said, glancing over my shoulder, seeing his smirk on his lips.

"Did I interrupt anything?" he asked, knowing full well that he did.

"Your timing as always" Duke said with a bit of a tone to it. I could tell he was regaining his composure, as I was having a tough time trying to find mine.

This man was having an effect on me, one I have never had before, and I was not sure how to go about this with him.

"I was seeing if you both were ready for breakfast before our journey to the water for the day?"

"If you both give me a few minutes I will be ready" I said, turning to look at both of them.

Just then a warm breeze blew past me and both brothers' eyes changed, as they inhaled the air.

"We will see you down in the kitchen when you are ready" Evan said as he and Duke both left in a hurry and shut the door behind them.

I inhaled and did not smell anything different in the air, the only thing I could smell was the sea and she was calling to me.

I turned around and looked at the water, with the sunlight glimmering on the surface, showing off her diamonds for all to see.

I went in and changed, putting on my bathing suit that Lisa made for me, it was a two piece of dark red and black swirls, but looking closely the designs were tiny dragons.

I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Just a feeling that the day was going to get warmer. I put on a pair of sandals that I could also wear into the water Lisa assured me.

Finding my way to the kitchen I slowed down my walking and stopped outside of the kitchen as the two brothers were in a heated discussion again.

"Duke, you have to be careful around Jasmine, if she is truly the one, you do not want to spook her and have her running back to the city"

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