Chapter Thirty-Three

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We walked toward the rolling hills, a place I had yet to visit. Until now, I had never known there was a small village tucked away in-between the landscape.

"Welcome to my getaway my dear" he said as we walked through the village, everyone was watching us, curious mostly but a few glares.

"Don't mind the ones who aren't happy, they are stuck in the old way of things" he said.

There was a beautiful house tucked away on the outskirts of the village. I thought at first it was a restaurant until he opened the door.

It was a beautiful rustic cabin. "Welcome to my home away from home" he said as he shut the door behind us.

"This is beautiful Aztec" and it really was. All done in hardwood. The walls were a beautiful dark green, with dark red accents along the walls.

He took hold of my hand; we went out back to a small gazebo where a table with two place settings was set up.

We sat down and a man came out of nowhere with a platter of fresh fruits, crackers, some different cheeses, and we each had lemon water with a few leaves of mint in the water.

"I hope this setup is to your liking?" he asked.

"This is perfect Aztec" I said smiling at him, I could not believe all this food was sitting in front of me, for just us.

"Help yourself my dear" he said as I started to pile things up on my plate, but not too much as I did not want to seem rude.

I took a bite of a strawberry, I accidentally let out a soft moan when I tasted the juices of the strawberry. I covered my mouth, "I'm sorry for that" I said quietly.

"You should by no means ever apologize for enjoying something my dear, it's the only way a man will know whether what he has done is good or not" he said with a wink.

I smiled and felt my face go red with heat, I tried to ignore the fact that he was watching me eat.

Once I had a few more bites of cheese and crackers he started to eat as well. We were silent for a bit, but curiosity got the best of me.

"I must ask, what changed your mind to decide you wanted a meeting with me? Forgive my boldness, since I am still learning the customs of each realm, but I was told you wanted nothing to do with me" I said hoping to hell I just did not piss him off.

He laughed, "I see gossip has already begun since I did not jump on the wagon and go after you right away, I held off, for a time, I have been watching you.

You have had me interested in you since the moment you stepped foot out of Duke's house. Had I known it was you to where that kid was being so disrespectful, I would have stopped it myself.

But you took care of that which I am grateful and proud you could handle yourself." he said sipping on his water.

"Well, I did warn him to stop" I said with a small laugh, I did not know Aztec very well and did not want to create an enemy by saying the wrong thing.

We sat there eating and talking about trivial things, it was a nice afternoon with Aztec. He was a gentleman and knew a great deal about everything it seemed like.

"I should get you back before your mates come barging in and ruin our lovely afternoon,'' he said with a wink.

"I really have enjoyed myself today, thank you for all of this" I said looking at the food that was left. We ate almost everything that was brought out to us.

Aztec stood up and offered his arm for me, I placed mine in his and we walked back through the village and back into the main town.

I saw that kid again; he went to say something but once he saw Aztec, he lowered his head and took off. "I will deal with him later; mark my word he will never bother you again Jasmine" he said stopping me and looking down into my eyes.

"I appreciate it" I said, I was getting tired of that guy thinking he could treat me like shit every time I saw him.

We walked back to Duke's house, Aztec stood there looking down at me, "I shall see you the day after tomorrow for my kind of training" he said as he kissed my cheek.

As he walked away Thomas walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist, I leaned back into his chest.

"Did you have a nice afternoon with the dragonborn prince?"

"I did, thank you for asking," I said.

"Thomas, can I ask a question?"

"Of course, my love"

"With what I am wearing, why did Duke and Arron both chose not to say anything when I asked if I looked okay"

"Did no one tell you love?" Thomas asked as he turned me around to face him.

"No, Lisa left a note saying to wear this to the meeting and I did"

Thomas grumbled for a moment, "what you are wearing is the dragonborn colors and it is what their queen would wear if she was mated to their prince"

"So that is why, when Aztec saw me, his eyes sparkled, and he called me his queen" I said with a tone none too happy not to know this bit of information.

"That is why Duke and Arron didn't say anything, you were showing them you were also the dragonborn queen" he said kissing me on the top of my head.

"Thank you for telling me this Thomas, I do appreciate it" I said walking towards the house with a score to settle.

Thomas was right behind me; he was not sure how this was going to go.

I swung open the door and walked into the family room where Duke, Arron and Evan were sitting around watching a movie.

"Thank you so much for telling me that what I was wearing was Aztecs colors. I appreciate the support" I said and turned around and walked out.

"I will be right down Thomas" I said as I went upstairs and changed into a soft golden color sundress with a cream-colored shawl that I put over my shoulders.

I walked back downstairs, took Thomas's hand and we walked out of the house after I slammed the front door closed.

"Where to my love?" Thomas asked.

"I want to go down by the beach" I said, and Thomas nodded, taking my hand as we walked to the beach. 

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