Chapter Forty-One

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Once we were inside the forest, I saw a few rogues come out from wherever they were hiding. Arron snarled and they scattered also.

Once we were inside his home he set me down, he looked down at me as if challenging me to leave. I stood there crossing my arms and staring right back at him.

"Jasmine, I am trying really hard to be nice right now" his voice rumbled.

"Really? Carrying me through the village and across the beach till we were here, just because I said to leave me be, yeah real nice" I said turning my back on him.

I knew the moment I did that move, it was a bad mistake, I heard his growl before I felt myself flying then hitting the wall with a loud thud.

I laid there for a moment, trying to catch my breath, my back stung like hell as I tried to get up.

Every muscle I would try to move I winced, sucking in air through my teeth. I was not going to let him win by giving in to this.

As soon as I stood, I turned around and saw him standing there in his human form, tears in his eyes.

"Is that all you got Arron?" I yelled at him.

His eyes flickered up at me in surprise, I was not about to let him do the I am sorry bullshit, he went rogue, now he was going to get what he had coming.

"Jasmine, I didn't mean to" he stumbled.

"Bullshit Arron, yes you did, you damn well know what you do in rogue form, so don't hand me that, you want to play rough in rogue then why don't we?" I said as I started to growl.

His eyes widened, then I saw the rogue flicker behind his, I saw he was trying to hold it back but as soon as I started to shift, so did he.

I walked past him and went outside; his home was far too beautiful to mess it up with our game of dominance.

I stood there in my rogue form, and she was pissed at how he treated us when I was in my human form.

He walked towards us, I snarled at him to stay back, he did not listen, he snarled right back at us.

"Oh, hell no, that isn't allowed" I heard her say in my head.

I ran towards him, and just as he went to move, I stopped and stood there, which threw him off balance. I howled and took off running.

We were free right now to run, and she wanted to run, "go for it, have fun" I told her, I was still there but she had my body.

I felt Arron was not far behind us, he realized I did not want to fight but to run and enjoy the day and spend time with him like this.

He caught up to us and we were running side by side, as mates do. His beast finally got it, that we were mates, and I deserved to be respected as his mate.

There was a stream that we stopped at, she let me back in control and I shifted back to my human form. Taking handfuls of fresh water once Arron said it was safe to drink I did just that.

Laying back on the soft grass, listening to the water run its course over the rocks was music to my ears.

Arron laid down next to me, pulling me to lay on top of him. "Jasmine I really am sorry, I let my rogue take over and I didn't think he would ever hurt you" he said kissing the tip of my nose.

"I know, that is why I let her out so she could show your rogue we were mates and I deserved to be treated as such, no matter what form I'm in" I said kissing him.

We were both naked, since during the shift our clothes were shredded, I was fine with it, less we had to worry about.

I felt Arron get aroused with me being on top of him, I took advantage of that moment, and we spent the next few hours satisfying the hunger that was between us.

I dozed off for a bit, I couldn't help it. I knew I was safe as Arron kept watch, I was laying against his chest, his fingers playing with my hair.

We could hear the sounds of birds chirping, and the forest was alive with animals everywhere.

"Only you, my queen, bring the animals out wherever you are," he whispered.

I smiled at that, I was bringing peace and tranquility to places, where before there was none

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