Dean Thomas- temper

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Dean was currently holding your face between his hands. He was carefully placing soft kisses all over your face in the corner of the common room. "Are you aware I love you?" He asked as he placed another soft kiss to your nose. "Yes" you giggled and pulled away from his grasp. He pouted as you laughed at him and shook your head. You needed to leave the common room to meet up with your friends for lunch. Dean followed you like a lost puppy out of the common room.

"Sorry Dean but you weren't invited to lunch," he gasped as you told him this. He dramatically threw himself against a window, "do you not love me?"  "Of course I do, but we only made reservations for 3, not 4." He continued pouting as you walked farther down the corridor.

As you walked, Dean at your heel, a group of second year boys walked past laughing and pointing at the two of you. You looked down at what you were wearing, your favorite outfit. You suddenly didn't love it anymore, but you tried to push past the feeling and kept walking.

But Dean noticed the stumble in your steps. He turned around "Oi mate, mind your own business why don't ya!" The boys continued to laugh at his sudden outburst. "Listen here you little jerks! You're only 12 and making people feel like shit! Back off why don't ya!"

You quickly grabbed onto Deans shoulder and pulled him away before he could take it any farther. "Dean, you'll get into trouble," you frown as he looks back at the young boys. "Sorry Lovely, it just really pisses me off when people do such a thing." He placed a kiss to your temple and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "How about I walk you to lunch and then pick you up afterwards. Maybe we can go to Honeydukes!" You laughter at his excitement and agreed.

He was the sweetest boy you knew, but boy did he have a temper.

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