Harry Potter- quidditch practice

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Quidditch practice. The captain was being a jerk lately. With an upcoming game you understood it but still, they were going overboard. You bite your tongue as another critique comes your way.

You're not fast enough. Go higher. How did you miss that? Come on, haven't I said this before? You need to work harder. Practice better. Give me 4 laps.

The comments just go on and on. You could t please them, no matter how hard you tried. Harry knew all about this made you feel. You told him after every practice how much it bothered you. But all he would mutter was "I believe in you."

His words echoed in your head as you flew.  I believe in you. Harry May believe in you, but it seemed no one else on the pitch did, not even yourself sometimes. His words felt like they were haunting you. I believe in you.

"Really, fly faster already!" The captain shouted your way. I believe in you. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a second. You focused on Harry's voice and face as he said the words. I believe in you.

Maybe is he believes in you, you should too right. You took your focus off Harry and put it onto quidditch. It no longer matter what comments were being said to you, you were trying your best. Believe. You started to believe.

Practice after practice you got better, the captain was started to get impressed over the progress. All it took was some belief. You now believed in yourself. It was paying off. And it was all because of Harry.

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