enemies with benefits | 12

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Chapter Twelve: Lucky Love


Alexander left shortly after that. I was glad to have him gone, needing the space to think.

There was no way I'd be able to explain this to any level-headed person. I could hardly make sense of it myself and I was the one involved with the guy.

I hardly slept through the night, unable to think about anything but what Alexander and I did. It was both exhilarating and confusing, and the fact that it remained on my mind frustrated me too. There was just a turmoil of emotions filling me, and quite frankly, I don't know what I would have done if he remained longer.

I probably wouldn't have slept, and that would have made me nothing but a zombie in the morning.

I ended up being woken up to the shrill of my ringtone, begrudgingly getting out of bed to answer it. I didn't have the luxury of having a charging port right beside my bed, so by the time I slugged over and reached my phone, it had already been ringing for quite some time.

"Hello?" I croaked into the phone, trying to ignore how terrible my voice sounded.

"Kelsie, it's me!" The familiar sound of my best friend's voice came on the other end. "I'm at your house now to start getting ready. I came up to your room but your door was locked, so then I tried knocking but I got no answer. I didn't mean to wake you up, but we're starting to run out of time!"

I needed a second to process everything. Within seconds, it all came rushing to me - locking the door because of Alexander last night, the insomnia, the football game that takes place today.

Practically snapping awake, I suddenly yanked my phone off charge and headed towards the door, unlocking it as I began making my way downstairs.

"I'm coming now, just wait." I said to her, and then hung up.

It wasn't my finest moment - coming downstairs dishevelled and still in my pyjamas. But I'd unknowingly made Daisy wait here for what seemed like a long while, so it was the least I could do.

Indeed she was sitting in my living room, smiling as she watched me enter the room. Where I was stuck in pyjamas, she was wearing a nice purple woolly jumper with a pair of simple black leggings. In theory, it seemed like a pretty simple outfit, but matched with her long curled hair and nice makeup, it looked quite chic.

"I was worried for a moment," Daisy said. "I thought you ditched me."

Guilt overtook me as I realised that was exactly what I did when we went to that party a while ago. It felt like ages since then, but it also felt like no time at all. I didn't willingly ditch her - well, not fully. Getting drunk and sleeping with my mortal enemy was never the plan. Ditching my best friend when I knew we came together was unfair, even if she spent most of the time talking to Tyler.

"Nope. Next time, feel free to burst down the door and wake me up." I told her. "I will not let you go alone when I agreed to play third wheel. I mean wingwoman."

Daisy giggled, standing up and grabbing my wrist. "All right, but now come with me. We've got to get you dressed before Tyler comes to pick us up because yes, he's picking us up from your house. I hope you don't mind."

I smiled, like the best friend that I was. I didn't want to tell her that the thought of some random guy having my address made me feel a bit weird, even though I knew Tyler was likely harmless and just Daisy's longtime crush.

So I said to her, "of course not."

And then, we made our way to my room.


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