enemies with benefits | 19

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Chapter Nineteen: Exposing the Reality


Alexander and I used to be friends. And not just that type of friends where you'd occasionally hang out with them at school because they were the only person around. Alexander was an actual friend, and a pretty good one at that.

It went to shit for a number of reasons. And quite frankly, we weren't even friends for that long either; within a few months, we'd gone from nothing, to friends, to good friends and then finally to the enemies I was so used to.

That was no longer the case now though. No matter how much I wanted to deny it or not see it, Alexander became something I would have never expected him to become.

For the past few weeks, since this first started, I've been scared of somebody finding out about all of this. I did my best to hide it from everybody, including Daisy. Hiding things from your best friend - especially something of this magnitude - is never fun. And having to do it for so long ate a person away.

Lily knowing made me constantly anxious. She said she wouldn't tell anybody, but who knew how long that would last? One small hiccup - the wind blowing too strongly, a puddle too big below her shoes - and she may choose to change her mind. In the end, I knew Daisy would find out. And I knew if I was the one that gave her that nugget of information, it'd be better. I could control what was spread.

And after school, I made a very important decision. I ditched the meeting I was supposed to have with Alexander, and instead I impatiently waited for Daisy to come out of class, my shoe tapping against the tiled floor. Needless to say, I was incredibly nervous of what was to come. No, scratch that; I was petrified.

I tried playing the scenario in my head over and over. Worst case and best case scenarios of the type of reaction I may get. I had to remind myself that despite the images that played in my head of what could happen, Daisy was still my best friend. She wouldn't abandon years of friendship because she found out I was screwing a guy, even if the guy was as antagonistic as Alexander Hale.

She might forever judge me for my decisions, but that was all. I hoped.

Daisy took longer to get out of class than normal. Or maybe that's just how it felt because I knew I was doing something I'd dreaded to do from the beginning. But eventually, when she did come out, I noticed she walked out with Tyler.

She was blissfully unaware of my presence as they walked down the hall, laughing at something he said. I called her name to no avail - she seemed entirely focused on whatever they were talking about. I called her name a second time, this time catching Tyler's attention.

Actually, he was the first one to turn around and glance at me. An unreadable look overtook his features as the two of them stopped. He was likely disappointed by the fact I'd interrupted his clearly thrilling conversation with his girlfriend. Part of me felt bad for it, but the other part of me was too antsy to wait until later.

I needed Daisy to know sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I might positively go insane.

"Kelsie." Daisy smiled. "Everything okay?"

"I..." I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I wasn't ready for her to know quite yet, but time wasn't something on my side at the minute. "I need to talk to you. Alone, please."

For a moment, she seemed surprised by my request. But then she turned to Tyler and whispered something in his ear. For a second, he hesitated. Though afterwards, he composed himself and kissed her on the cheek, walking away. I waited until he was out of sight before grabbing her arm and leading her down the empty hallway.

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