enemies with benefits | 18

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Chapter Eighteen: Daisies


It didn't go further than kissing. For some reason, Alexander pulled away about fifteen minutes later, coming up with some lame excuse how he had to go home and couldn't stay long. I doubted his excuse was true - he had been the one to say his parents were hardly home. But I didn't fight his decision either, and soon enough I was left alone in my room again.

When I left my room to get a drink, I was ambushed by Gina, who asked a series of questions about Alexander. Things surrounding why we weren't friends anymore and what he came over for. I curtly replied with a shrug to every question thrown my way and practically ran upstairs in a way that was totally not suspicious.

The rest of the day flew by. It felt like no time at all before it was Monday again, and I was forced to step into my own personal hellhole.

I definitely wasn't pleased to be on school grounds. Not that I ever am - not really. School was dull but I focused enough to get good grades. But today was especially hellish, because there was one thing on my mind, despite my best attempts to remove it.

Lily. More specifically, the little nugget of knowledge that she knew exactly what I was doing my best to keep secret, and that any minute I could be approached and reprimanded. It was terrifying.

I'd started contemplating whether I should just spit it out to Daisy and get it over with - she liked Alexander enough to not completely freak out, so it wouldn't be the end of the world. And she was my best friend; Daisy would realise a casual hookup didn't mean anything.

So why did the thought of coming clean to my best friend twist my stomach into knots?

Due to my predicament, I hardly noticed the obstructions in front of me and blindly walked ahead. This ended up with me walking straight into someone's tall figure, causing me to stumble back slightly. The person I bumped into turned around, raising an eyebrow as they peered at me.

I blinked, realising who I'd walked into. "Sorry, Andy. I didn't notice where I was going."

Alexander's friend paused, and then shrugged. "It's fine. Just keep your eyes on the surroundings, okay?" For a second it looked like he wanted to say something else entirely, but if he did, he didn't voice it.

Instead, he just turned back around, slouched over something he was holding in his hand - his phone. Panic filled me as I wondered whether he was receiving some very secret information from Lily. After all, they had been making out at the football game, and it seemed rather serious...

Before I did anything reckless, I spotted Zayn walking over, the final member of Alexander's trio. However, the idiot himself was nowhere near, and so Zayn walked all alone with only the chunky headphones resting on his head to keep him company. I wondered unwillingly where he was.

To make sure I wasn't spotted by yet another person of Alexander's entourage, I spun on my heel and walked in the opposite direction, towards my locker where I knew I didn't need anything but still needed the necessary safe haven. I desperately wished Daisy was already there, so that I could have my much-needed support vessel on standby.

But of course she wasn't there, so I mindlessly punched in my combo and stared at the contents of my locker, not searching for anything. I mostly focused on my breathing, which had grown erratic in my haste to get away.

Eventually, I slammed my locker shut. Though, before I could start heading towards homeroom, I saw a figure standing right next to it. I jumped back in surprise, my heart racing like I'd just ran the longest marathon in the world.

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