enemies with benefits | 25

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Nothing Serious


I hardly slept last night and it was starting to show. For starters, now that the theory had jumped into my head, it didn't want to leave. It didn't make much sense - sure, Andy was seeing Alex's ex, which could be considered quite shitty and firmly against the friend code. But that didn't mean he'd go behind Alex's back and start trouble with a brother Alex wanted nothing to do with, for good reason.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it, and it was starting to hurt my brain. Not to mention I still hadn't heard a word from Alex, and it didn't seem like I would for a while. Whatever was going on with Matthias must have really spooked him. Maybe it wasn't hard to ignore me - he's had years of practice - but complete radio silence? It's never happened before.

I could hardly pay attention in class today. I had just about enough brain power to sit with Daisy in the library at lunch, when she kept sobbing into her sandwich. I didn't repeat what Tyler said to me because it'd only make her feel worse, though as soon as the right opportunity arose, I would.

When the end of the day came, I was nothing short of thankful. If it wasn't for Daisy, I probably would have looked to get out sooner than I had.

On the way out, I turned to my best friend as I said, "are you sure you don't want me to come over?"

"Yes, Kels. As much as I want you around right now... I think I just need to be alone." Daisy sniffled.

I patted her back. "Okay, if you say so. Remember I'm just a text away."

A weak smile escaped her, one that tugged my heart-strings. "Thank you."

Truth be told, I didn't particularly want to be alone myself, not with Alex having gone AWOL, but I knew Daisy was going through a flurry of emotions right now. She needed her space as much as I probably needed mine.

As I was about to walk out of school, I got a text. My heart fluttered slightly, much to my confusion, but as I pulled it out to check, I saw it was from Gina.

Mom: Gone last minute shopping with Dad. Won't be home. Be back soon! Xx

Great. It appeared that I was completely alone tonight.

I was half-tempted to go over to Alex's place to see if he was home, but I doubt he'd appreciate that even if he was - if he's avoiding me, I'm sure the last thing he'd want is for me to randomly show up.

I was half tempted to check my phone just in case he did reach out. But that'd be bordering on pathetic. How funny; a couple months ago I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing.

Instead, I decide it's probably best to try and distract my mind with something else. The more I worry about Alex, Matthias, Andy and everything else circling this fucked up situation, the more likely I am to break out into hives. If Alex wasn't reaching out or talking to me, he must have a good reason.

Or he completely despises you now that you got onto his oldest brother's radar.

I get out of my thoughts before they wandered further into that.

Just as I reached the doors, I felt someone tap my shoulder. Immediately whipping around, I was shocked to find Mike staring back at me - we hadn't interacted in a while, and the last time his name was mentioned to me was in conversation with Alex, who didn't want me hanging around him anymore.

I supposed with Alex not being his usual guard-dog self, there was nothing holding anyone back.

I put a smile on my face as I said, "oh, hey. Been a while."

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