Trudging Through This Crap

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If Katniss doesn't hurry up I'm gonna kill her myself.

"Pick up your feet Kat!" I yelled over my shoulder. "I'm injured and still faster than you!"

We sprinted out of the forest and down to the creek where Katniss believed Peeta supposedly was. She said Rue had told her that Peeta was hanging out at the creek for a while.

I'd assume if Peeta was smart he wouldn't have stayed there but if he's in love with Katniss than he surely must be dumb.

"Cedric if you tell me to hurry one more time I'm going to put an arrow through your skull" Katniss snarled.

"And maybe we'll be able to find the hecks I give than." I reply cheekily.

Suddenly, my foot lands on something soft and I stumble.

"What in the-" I mutter before spinning around then seeing a face in the rocks.

"Holy crap!" I curse as I pull back my knife to stab it when Katniss suddenly stops me.

"No wait, it's Peeta!" She exclaimed.

I pause then look at the rock face and see a slight resemblance.

"Katniss?" It suddenly rasped out.

Katniss crouched down and took the moss and rocks off of him to reveal a very real and injured Peeta with paint looking rock stuff on his face.

"Peeta, you look like crap" I mutter as I reach down and pull him up.

He gasps and I see that his leg is injured and bleeding.

"Peeta! How did you-" Katniss starts.

"Details later, cover now." I interrupt as I support Peeta's weight.

"Are we allies?" Peeta asks as Katniss leads a way to a nearby cave.

"Not really." I grunt as I hold up his weight and move him. "But for some reason I'm being dumb and helping you two soooo..."

I walk into the cave and Katniss turns to me "Set him here." she says as she gestures to a pile of rocks.

I grin and look at Peeta "She must hate you." I say almost with a laugh as I set him on the rock hard floor.

He grunts and holds his leg.

"Let me see." Katniss says as she pushes Peeta's hands away and looks at his leg.

"What is it with you and looking at  wounds?" I mutter as I walk to the cave entrance and look around.

Katniss sighs and looks up.

"It's bad, he needs medecine." She says as she stares at me.

I unvross my arms and shrug at her "Okay, what did you want me to do? Ground some weeds up and magically make a cure?"

She rolls her eyes and looks at Peeta who says "Just leave. Don't waste your time with me."

"No!" Katniss says harshly.

I roll my eyes and look outside again as I listen to them argue back and forth with it.

If this is what having a girlfriend is like than I'll pass it up thanks.

Suddenly it gets quiet and I get curious.

I turn around to see them pull away from a kiss.

They gaze into each other's eyes until they both turn to look at me.

I purse my lips and my eyes are wide as I turn and walk away.

"I'm gonna scout out the area." I say quickly as I quickly make my way into the forest.

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