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    Sleeping was no longer an option. It was no longer an outlet for me to escape to. Once that first nightmare occurred only more came after, night after night. Each time would get worse and worse and longer at the same time.
I stopped sleeping, I refused to sleep and experience those foul dreams. It's not like I didn't want to sleep, even if I wanted to I couldn't, my body rejected any kind of sleep. Instead, I found myself losing sight of reality. Losing all hope really.

    There wasn't any point in trying to tell if it was day or night, I couldn't tell. I also refused to be in the room so I stayed in the living room. It was quiet, to the point where the static within the air rattled in my ears, I could hear my own heartbeat slowly pump in and out. The colors of the room distorted, my vision blurred and my body ached.

    I closed my eyes, letting out a bottled groan while lying down on my side.

    To be frank, sometimes I would forget Kieran existed. I'd forget this isn't some nice hotel I'm staying in or that I'd be able to leave at the end or in a couple of days. Sometimes I'd close my eyes and imagine my lover coming home from work or I come home to them but then I'd open my eyes and face the harsh reality.

    A clack disrupted my thoughts, I covered my ears and curled myself up even more.

    I didn't even hear their footsteps approach me.

    "Suriah," I heard along with a gentle nudge to my shoulder.

    I opened my eyes, welcoming a sting from the bright lights. Kieran kneeled down in front of me and smiled gently.

    "Did I wake you?" He asked.

    I blinked a couple of times trying to process when the hell was happening. First of all, when did he get back? Second, how did I not hear him come in?

    Kieran chuckled, "You're so sleepy,".

    I looked back at him and fluttered my eyes as I let out a sigh.

    "Look what I brought you," He said and pulled out a snowglobe, "It's from Hong Kong,".

    He passed it to me. I gently held it in my hands, staring into the city of Hong Kong and instead of snow at the bottom there were pink leaves. I shook it lightly and watched the pink leaves shower the small city. A smile crept across my face.

    "Do you like it?" He asked.

    I looked back up. I forgot he was here.

    "Yeah," I whispered.

    Kieran smiled and stood up, he took off his suit jacket and placed it on the couch before sitting down on one of the lounge chairs. He closed his eyes and tapped his foot on the floor. I watched him through the hair falling down my face, he seems relaxed. Something good must have happened since he's in a good mood.

    "Did you notice I was gone for a little longer?" He asked.

    I turned my head to him. What?

    He opened his eyes and rolled his head to the side, "I was gone for two weeks instead of one and a half,".

    My eyes widened a bit and I furrowed my eyebrows. Two weeks? He was gone for two weeks? Has it been that long? I didn't even notice. I was really alone for two weeks.

    My head slowly dropped back down, I held the snowglobe close to my body and stared heavily into nothingness. If it's been that long...then maybe my chances of being rescued or escaping are slim to none.

    "What's with the long face? Did you miss me?" Kieran said.

    I'm really never leaving this place.

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