A Delusional Dream

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    "And now, Suriah Moon, who reportedly went missing in the National Forest for some time, has been found. Ms.Moon states she was never lost in the forest and had been held captive for several months," The female anchor announced.

    "She is getting treated in the hospital and officials are proceeding with an investigation with few leads at the moment," said the male anchor.

    The female anchor sighed, "It's a tragic accident and we hope she has a fast recovery. Remember everyone, with the holidays around we must be careful. Stay safe out there,".

    "We'll update you on the story when we receive more information ladies and gentleman," The man slid his papers away, "Last week....,".

    What time is it? Ugh, my head hurts.

    This is crazy. Meek found me passed out in the restaurant and I have to admit, that shit was embarrassing. I despise how he saw me in such a distressed state. I was quickly rushed to the hospital upon the ambulance's arrival, where I would be passed out for a good day and a half. And I woke up yesterday afternoon, not even five minutes later, the cops were throwing their questions at me. It made sense though, get all the details they could while my memory is fresh. I just...I can't wrap my head around everything.

    And to top everything off, I was a wreck.

    My wrist, which was crushed to dust, turned out to be broken. He did that with his bare hands. To be fair, I was so busy escaping that I wasn't focused on any of the pain. Adrenaline does that. My ankle was sprained with a brace. I had wraps everywhere around my body, covering the godawful bruises and they were by far, more than uncomfortable.
    My face had been cut up, specifically a gash on my forehead. And of course, the bruises. My neck was the worst, all discolored and swollen. It kept me from talking because it hurt that bad. The amount of medication I'm on is insane. I can't remember what the doctors told me, I only remembered I could be released today. I'd just have to come back in a week for a check-up.

    All that from one person.

    Being in the hospital, I received a lot of care and attention. Especially from Meek and Camile who I was more than thrilled to have back. Don't get me wrong, it was great. I never got this much support and care in my life but strangely enough...I felt empty even with them around. Was that normal?
    I sighed, rolling over in my bed to turn the TV off, not even bothering to check the time because I haven't done that in months anyways. My head hurts. Closing my eyes, I curled into a ball and let out a much needed deep breath. Fuck, my whole body hurts.

    In me, the longer I was free from him, the more the anxiety built up. I mean it was awful, I couldn't sleep or eat or even blink because I was terrified of him suddenly popping up and doing who knows what. His image was stained into my mind and the more I tried to get rid of it, the worse it became. A part of me needed him to be in my sight that way I knew where he was and what he was doing, just to be safe in case anything came my way. Then another part of me refused to even think about seeing his face again.
    In my dreams and in my life, he continued to make a nightmare out of it. Still, an emptiness worse than him was eating me alive. Quickly too.

    The door clicked open followed by the shuffling of people walking in. My eyes shot open, my heart didn't wait to start beating rapidly, and my head spun even more. Who is it?

    "So," Camile said in a whisper, "When are they going to come back?".

    The tension in my shoulders left and I let my eyes flutter shut. It's just them. Camile and Meek. No one else.

DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora