Chapter 2

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Her fire was beautiful and majestic. Her speed helped her run alongside nature as she drank from blood bags that she'd use compulsion to get.

Her world changed for the third time when her older sister told her that they were going back to Forks so that their mother could spend some time with her new husband Phil Dwyer.

He was a minor league baseball player who was trying to make it onto a team in Florida. Their mother said that the twins could come with her if they wanted but, they wanted her to spend some quality time with her husband and Josephine -or JJ- as her parents affectionately called her was perfectly fine with living with her dad.

Bella on the other hand didn't really want to live with their father, she just wanted her mother to have a good time bonding with her new husband without worrying for her daughters.

The plane ride to Forks was a bit longer than Josephine remembered, it might be because Bella was whining the whole time which grated on Josephine's nerves.

Or something else, Josephine didn't really know. When they got off the plane Josephine was quick to grab her bags and scout the surrounding area for her father.

Bella was right behind her struggling to hold her two bags. Josephine rolled her eyes at how weak her twin was. Finally Josephine decided to rely on her father's scent.

So she inhaled deeply and smelt his scent that felt so comforting. His scent was a mixture of gun powder, axe body spray, and allspice.

The scent felt like home. Before she could turn her senses down she smelt a mouth watering scent that she knew was Bella's. It made her extremely hungry and she really wanted to drain her twin dry.

Josephine but into her own hand and drank her own blood so that she could reset her senses. Her wound automatically healed.

"Come on Bella, I see him." Josephine said as she ran towards her father. "Daddy!" Josephine said excitedly as she dropped her bags and leapt into her father's arms. He spun her around while hugging her tightly to him.

When his scent his her nose she felt right at home again. "Hi, JJ. It's good to have you home. I've missed you." Charlie whispered into his daughters hair. "I missed you too dad. It's good to be home." Josephine said.

Bella awkwardly shuffled towards their father and gave him a reluctant side hug. "Hi Char-Dad." Bella said. "Hi Bells." Their father said just as awkwardly.

He brought their bags to the trunk of the police cruiser and placed their bags inside. The hour long drive home was filled with awkward silence that Charlie Swan tried to fill.

Though anytime he tried to talk to his eldest daughter she shot him down awkwardly. "So JJ how was your horse riding competition?" Her father asked. "It was great. Scout and I won first place." Josephine said excitedly.

"That's great sweetie. I'm so proud of you two." Charlie, her father, said with a big ole grin on his face.

When they reached the house Josephine was excited to see her beloved car was already in their driveway. It was a beautiful royal blue and silver 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air convertible.

"Oh thank god, baby is here!"Josephine said squealing as she jumped out of the police cruiser to hug her car

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"Oh thank god, baby is here!"Josephine said squealing as she jumped out of the police cruiser to hug her car.

Bella scoffed. She hated that her younger sister got her dream car and that she didn't have a car yet. "I still don't think it's fair that she has a car." Bella grumbled.

Charlie threw a pointed look at his eldest daughter. "She worked 3 jobs during the summer to get that car Bella. If you wanted a car that bad you should've been more like your sister and worked for it." Charlie said as he grabbed his daughters' bags to take them inside.

Charlie lead Bella to her room first. It was a lavender purple color and seemed to be the same as it was since her last visit to him when she was 12 years old.

Charlie lead his youngest daughter up the stairs towards the attic where he opened the door to a room filled with blue and silver. Her two favorite colors besides black.

"Oh my god, it's perfect! Thank you daddy!" Josephine squealed as she hugged her father while jumping up and down. Charlie smiled at his youngest daughter who he knew was excited to at least be in Forks.

"Your welcome JJ." Charlie said as he left his daughter to unpack.

She quickly put everything away as she heard a car pull up into their driveway and footsteps leave the car as a car door slammed shut

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She quickly put everything away as she heard a car pull up into their driveway and footsteps leave the car as a car door slammed shut.

There seemed to be two heartbeats and by their breathing patterns Josephine could tell it was two men.

Josephine sped down the stairs since she could hear her father and Bella already outside and no one would see her.

She slowed down once she got to the door and carefully walked out. She spotted a man in a wheelchair with russet tan skin, long black hair with brown eyes and a cowboy hat on that she knew as her uncle Billy and a boy with long hair and russet tan skin with warm brown eyes that she knew as her 'cousin' Jacob Black.

"Uncle Billy, Jake!" The two men turned around to see Josephine Swan smiling at them. "Hey, where you been loca? I haven't seen you since two summers ago. You didn't visit last summer." Jacob said as he hugged her.

"I was saving up money to buy my car." Josephine said as she pointed towards her car. "Damn, that's a nice car." Jacob said while he whistled lowly.

"So what do you think?" Charlie asked bringing Josephine's attention away from her car as she saw her father patting the old rusty reddish-orange truck while looking at Bella.

"This is mine?" Bella asked. Charlie nodded obviously pleased with himself. "I bought it off of Billy this morning." Charlie said."It's perfect." Bella said with her first genuine smile of the day.

She quickly scrambled to check the inside the truck hitting Jacob in the face with her foot or maybe it was the door, Josephine wasn't paying much attention to the two.

For the rest of the day Josephine spent time with her father telling him all that he missed last summer and whatnot.

When the day started to come to an obvious end Josephine prayed that she'd be reunited with the love of her life Rosalie Hale soon. Not knowing that come tomorrow her whishes will come true and they'd be reunited after so long apart.

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