Chapter ten

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Josie had managed to get ready in the time allotted to her and even managed to drink a blood bag from her secret storage collection in her mini fridge.

There was a sound of a horn heard that woke Bella up with a startled gasp and a thump, indicating that Bella clearly fell out of her bed.

Scrambling sounds are heard from Bella's room as she tries to get dressed and stuff her homework in her backpack at the same time.

Bella caught the sight of a red convertible in the driveway out of the corner of her eye and looked at it in confusion.

She'd never seen that car before.

It wasn't until she heard light pitter patter of steps that she saw her younger twin sister get into the car.

The blond looked up just in time to catch the older Swan twin's surprised look.

Bella just saw Rosalie Hale drive off with her twin.

How could she trust the girl enough to drive her to school already when they didn't even know her for more than a few hours?

Josie sighed as her house disappeared from her view.

Rosalie looked towards her mate and grabbed her left hand, only using one to drive.

"Are you okay mon amour." Rosalie asked seeing her mate getting tensed as they got closer and closer to the school.

"Non." Josie said as she stopped breathing entirely. Reverting to her most native tongue, her accent more prominent.

You see, when Josephine was reborn, she had immediately missed her French accent, her original culture was something she was very proud of.

Growing up in her original life back in the 1900's had been an experience. She was often ignored due to being a woman, especially one that was openly gay.

A lot of people looked down on her due to her working an actual job when all anyone expected of a woman back in that time, was for them to basically be a brood mare, look after the house, and of course, the children.

But, she was different. She didn't want a husband, which her father respected, unlike most fathers back in that time.(Cough* Russel Hale*cough)

She liked making designs for cars, she liked working on them too. Luckily her father was an engineer and knew the inner and outer workings of the car.

Which he promptly shared with her.

A lot of the designs the two came up with when Josephine was still alive in the 1900's were cars that he later made when he got the materials to do so.

Those cars are very popular nowadays.

When she died, she was told she'd be reborn, that she'd get to meet Rosalie once again, to love her.

What she was told, was that she would forget all of her memories not pertaining to the supernatural or Rosalie and her past life.

This was due to her baby brain not being able to process the importance of that information and so it was locked away.

Just like her powers.

It wasn't until she turned 17 that she remembered all of that stuff.

It was a hell of a wake up call, not only to be woken up on her birthday with a ton of information downloaded into her brain, but also having enhanced senses, bloodlust, and new powers... It was very hard to process.

She took months to go over all of her past life memories and her new life ones.

It was hard to realize that she didn't have Rosalie right by her side when she woke up.

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