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Bella had been asleep for two days now.

Everyone in the house had been a bit tense.

I mean, Edward and Jacob had been glaring at each other over the whole imprint thing, their squabbles had Rosalie rolling her eyes at the pair.

"I'd never squabble if a wolf imprinted on one of my kids. They can't help it, just like we can't help it if we are mates you know? It's even harder on me because I know what both bonds feel like. An imprint doesn't have to be romantic, and I don't think Edward is understanding that. An imprint can be whatever the imprintee wants them to be." Josie quietly explained to Rosalie.

Rosalie hummed.

"I can sorta see where Edward is coming from though..as a cold one vampire, our inner beasts are very possessive of what is ours. Like you are mine, the girls are mine, I wouldn't let anything or anyone take you away from me. But, I also know that these things are chosen by Fate, so I wouldn't question it." Rosalie said.

"I've got to go to the bathroom Rose, help me up?" Josie asked.

Rosalie immediately went to help her up.

They walked to the bathroom and Josie did her business.

It was as she was leaving that her water broke.

The sound of water hitting the ground had everyone with super hearing tensing and ready to go.

"Carlisle!" Caroline called out, having seen the whole thing.

Immediate Carlisle was there, gently scooping Josie into his arms and leading her to his medical room.


Labor was intense. It was long and hard.

But not as long as her first labor.

It was about 9 hours long, and then baby A was born.

This baby had tanned skin, brown wispy locks of hair clinging to her head.

She was handed off to Carline who went to clean her up.

It took about another minute before baby B was born.

This baby looked almost like a mini Rosalie.

Blond hair and light skin.

This baby was handed off to Esme who cleaned her off.

Rosalie helped Alice clean up her mate, as soon as Josie was changed she was handed Baby A.

Whilst Rosalie got baby B.

"Do you have names for them yet?" Carlisle asked.

Looking at two birth certificates.

"Rosalie is holding Elizabeth Ophelia Swan-Hale." Josie answered.

This got some smiles.

Sticking to the old fashioned names, a common theme for their coven.

"Josie is holding baby Josette or JoJo as we'll call her, Olivia Swan-Hale." Rosalie said.

The Cullen parents smile happily, dressing the babies so that they are ready to meet the family.

Everyone who wasn't Josie or Rosalie walked out.

"Rose, before we introduce them to the family, I think one or maybe both of the Clearwater siblings are going to imprint. I felt complete when they were around, just like Bella did when Jake was around. And he imprinted on Nessie." Josie said.

"Well... I like the two. They're pretty okay for wolves at least." Rosalie said.

Josie smiled, kissing Rosalienon the cheek as they walked downstairs.

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