Chapter 11

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Josie suffered through her morning classes in pure unadulterated boredom.

She was way too smart for high school.

Always has been, always will be.

She couldn't fathom going to high school repeatedly for years continuously for the rest of her immortal life.

She didn't know how her mate and the rest of the Cullen/Hale's accomplished this task.

As soon as the fourth bell rang she excited her fourth period class to find her mate already standing there with a small smile on her lips.

Her eyes light up in that lovely shade of amber gold, almost like a bright butterscotch color.

Although Josie missed her violet blue eyes, she loved the gold ones all the same.

It was a change, but not a terrible one.

Seeing her mate right outside of her math class made Josie smile as she saw a hand outstretched towards her.

Taking that hand, Rosalie started leading them towards the lunch room leaving behind a lot of galing and curious teenagers.

All gossiping about this newfound relationship.

Rosalie smiled at her mate as she walked along the hallways holding her hand.

Something that they could never do back in the 1930s when they'd first called in love.

It was considered a sin back then, and while it still wasn't as accepted now, there were more out and proud people than there'd ever been back in the day.

Hell, anyone of the lgbtq+ community can marry one another now legally in a few countries. Canada was a big supporter of the lgbtq+ community and had stated that you could get married, and even adopt while being a same sex couple.

Something that Josie was so going to take for granted when she decides to pop the question to Rosalie.

Not so soon of course, they'd only just reunited the previous day.

But before that, they'd had 9 months to get to know one another in the 30's.

Plus Josie had been following Rosalie's immortal life and knew her very well, so she could pop the question right now and would hopefully get a yes.

But she wouldn't. Not until Rosalie could get to know her again.

Not that much had changed in her life besides becoming a supernatural being with immortality.

Also, she has a different surname, and of course she had some different memories of her second life.

She wanted to wait to propose until Rosalie graduated at the earliest, which was in about 5 and a half months give or take.

Plus another school year and that would be over a year, maybe that would be an appropriate time.

After all, sometimes you just know when a person is right for you, and it wouldn't seem weird if people saw how they behaved around one another.

Plus, Josie had some serious things to tell her mate that she couldn't last night.

Like the fact that she knew of Rosalie's dream for children, that she'd sadly given up when she became immortal, though always secretly longing for that bond of a mother and child.

She could give her mate that.

An actual child.

I mean, all Rosalie had to do was bite her during intercourse and she could have a son or daughter.

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