Alien World, Alien Hospital

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The shine from the artificial light stung the young man's eyes as he slowly woke from his dreamless sleep. The sound of machine beeping and buzzing began to fill his ears. His eyes fluttered open to see just white everything. White panel ceiling, white curtains, white blanket, white floor, everything white and sterile.

His blue eyes rocked back and forth trying to figure out where he was. He shifted his body from under his blanket and slowly sat up. He then winced as a shot of pain rocketed across his chest. Looking down to see what caused such pain, that's when he noticed something odd about his surroundings. For one thing his bed was huge. He looked like a child compared to the size of the bed. Second there were a couple of suction cups all over his chest that connected to wires that disappeared behind the curtains that surrounded him. Rubbing his tired eyes he heard someone talking beyond the curtains.

"Shhhhh, he's awakened," whispered a low succulent female voice not too far right of him.

"Go tell the mistress, quickly," whispered another low female voice just a little bit closer to him. Quick heavy steps and claws scratching the tile floor could be heard moving away from him.

The young man looked around his bed once again, seeing multiple shadows dance across the curtains. Other footsteps scurried about until all came to a sudden hult, silence engulfed him once again.

Then, from a distance, came a new set of steps. It was slow and deliberate as it came closer to him. A tinge of fear emerged from within him as a shadow grew upon the white curtains. It's dark silhouette grew until it engulfed nearly half of the curtain's surface as whoever it belonged to came to an abrupt halt. Then, with one quick motion the curtains parted.

Standing before the young man was a behemoth of a woman, but not just any women, but a big beefy onyx furred wolf woman towering over him at least over 10 feet tall. She had matching long black full volume hair, draping down her neck. Large full breasts nearly as big as her head hung tight in her contrasting white lab coat that ran down past her thick chubby abdomen before flaring into thick muscular yet soft hips and thighs. But all that went unnoticed as her piercing blue eyes met with his as both looked like they saw a ghost.

They stared at each other for a solid minute before the amazonian wolfess slowly raised her large hand to her muzzle and coughed into it. "It's finally good to meet you," she said in a deep powerful feminine voice as she continued to stare as she stood at attention, "l am chef medicine scientist Dr. Layfoot and welcome to planet Lortana!" She smiled proudly, baring her sharp white teeth.

The young man just stood there, looking confused. It was awkward for both as they didn't know what to do next.

"Um, Empress Alfana wishes to have an audience with you." The black wolfess stated, trying to regain her sense of authority. She then raised her hand up and two wolfess stepped into view.

The two new wolfess were just as massive if not a foot shorter. One had dark gray white fur while the other was light brown. They both wore the same white nurse outfits that clung tightly to their curvaceous feminine bodies. The one in brown had her hands outstretched carrying what looked to be blue and gold folded cloth.

"Please get dressed, we don't have time to waste," the head Doctor explained, continuing to look at the young man.

Still feeling unsure, the young man removed his bed coverings and one leg at a time slowly stepped out of the hospital bed. Wincing once again from that sharp pain from his chest he almost stumbled out of the large bed, not realizing how high it was from the floor. Once getting his footing, he finally saw how big these wolves truly were.

He felt small looking up at the three female wolves. His head only came up to their stomachs and just below their impressive bust. From shoulder to shoulder they were almost three times his width. Their hands and feet were large with short sharp claws. They were also much more shapely than what he first initially thought as his eyes traced their wide hips and large heavy breasts. He was quite intimate by their impressive stature.

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