The Hallway

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Empress Mirri quickly walked down the long hallway, her footsteps echoing off the old stone walls. The fight was over but the start of a long headache began.

"It was quite a fight, wasn't it mother?" called out a confident womanly voice, brimming  with pride from behind her. The Empress stopped, breathing in through her nose slowly, and took a step to the side before turning to see her daughter walking up to her. 

"Yes, quite," she responded sternly, not in the mood for talking. 

"I guess this calls for another meeting," the princess questioned, taking a step closer. 

"Yes," the Empress said with a slight unfeminine growl in her voice.

"Don't go as planned, mother." The princess smiled. 

The Empress tensed as the fur of her body stood on end and her teeth clenched, but she maintained her composure. 

"What are you suggesting, my daughter," she nearly growled, slowly baring her claws.

"I'm suggesting that maybe I can lend a hand." The princess said ignoring her mother's clear signs of aggression.

The Empress raised her eyebrow in disbelief. The two had rarely ever seen eye to eye on many things, anyways hoping the other would fail. To think that her daughter would offer to help seemed unbelievable, but she was at least curious to hear her out.

"What is your proposal," she huft, crossing her arms under her large plump chest and standing at full attention as she tried to make herself look bigger.

"Let me take the alien off your hands and domestic him. I can make him loyal to the crown." Her smile became a toothy grin. 

The Empress looked at her daughter, her body remaining still and composed, showing nothing of what was going inside her head. She never liked the feeling of not being in control and this situation was one of them. This alien was a blessing and a curse, his arrival was a direct challenge to the rules of this world, proving that there might be stronger civilizations out there, but if she used this extraterrestrial, make him side with her, she could raise her influence all over this world showing the might of her rule is blessed by a "more advanced civilization", helping her to finally claim this planet as her own. 

But as of recently he had become more of a curse then a blessing. Now she's not too sure. But maybe she can use her daughter to her benefit. If she fails in making this alien side with them then perhaps she can swoop in and fix her daughter's mistakes, either by making him loyal to her and show to her daughter and the populace that she was the better of the two or by killing him showing to the other kingdoms her superiority.

The Empress smirked.

"That sounds… intriguing. Yes that would help me. I'll assign some of my –."

"I think it will go more smoothly if I select my own group," the princess butted in.

The Empress lost her smile. She hated being interrupted and especially by her daughter. A princess should know her place.

"Fine, but you have one day to assemble your group," the Empress huffed and was about to turn back down the long hallway before her daughter interrupted her again. 

"Also I believe taking the alien away from the capital would be for the best. He would have a big target on his back and taking him to a more remote location would be wise."

The Empress gave her the evil eye as she bore her teeth. She wanted the alien to be as close as possible to her, keep him on a close leash. 


"If anything goes wrong you will be to blame," the princess quickly stated. 

The Empress held her tongue. To the moons she hated her daughter but she was right. If something did go wrong under her direct watch the PR would be horrendous. She growled and turned her back to her daughter. 

"Fine take him wherever you please but you must report every week on his progress. If you disobey or I hear wind of something treacherous then you're off to the dungeons!" She bellowed before quickly turning and power walked down the old tunnel. 

The princess just smiled.

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