The Teachers

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Uriel and Princess Carra stoon in front of the chateau just a few steps from the large doors as three hovering carriages came up the road from the small city below. All three were the same kind of vehicle as Uriel came in, a large silver oblong pod with four smaller oblong halves-spheres with their flat ends facing downward positioned at each corner of the main pod. Etched all over its metallic surface that had elaborate carvings of simple floral design.

One by one they all came to a stop, all lined up in a row. Their doors swooshed open and a burly guard stepped out before standing at attention to the right of the entrance. Then, one by one, three female wolves stepped out of their respective carriage. Immediately Uriel recognized all three of them from the queen's meeting hall.

From the first carriage at the right was the well endowed golden priestess. Dressed in the same nun's attire from that first day, she had an air of grace and elegance as she stepped from the vehicle carrying a soft warm smile on her lips. Her large bust strained her red and blue top fabric making her look very top heavy while still showing off her well defined hips and long legs.

From the center carriage was the fiery red scientist that was much more well groomed than the first time he saw her. Stepping out, she seemed unsure of herself as her eyes darted around, looking around the manor before finally falling on both Uriel and Princess Carra. She was wearing a simple white button shirt and a tight knee length black pencil skirt. Now able to see her body in full Uriel could see she had a very heavy pear shaped figure. Her gigantic wide hips and a thick heart shape derriere strained her skirt to its max, showing off her shapely thick legs like it was a second pair of skin.

And finally, from the last carriage, was the soldier in black armor, the muscle bound onyx wolfess.The beefcake was stern and focused, showing no emotion as she looked robotic as she stepped down. This time she was not wearing her bulky armor and was in a military blue with gold trimmings button shirt and a black skin tight leggings. Despite not being in her armor, her mass made her the thickest out of all the girls, only rivaling the princess in bulk.

"Welcome to House Lorrenze!" Announced the princess, doing the same pose as she did when Uriel arrived. All three girls bowed.

"Uriel, let me introduce you to your teachers." The princess put her hand on his back, her large paw giving him goosebumps up his spine, and led him to the golden wolf.

"This is Priestess Lasmin of the Twin Moons. She will be teaching you about our religion and traditions."

"It is an honor to be in the presence of the being from the stars!" Priestess Lasmin bowed, unapologetically showing off her massive chest. Carra then turned to the red wolf, her paw still on Uriel's back.

"This is Ethena Starline, your science and astrological teacher. She is also here to help you recover some of your memories."

"It my pleasure to finally meet the famous alien. I hope we can teach each other many things." Ethena smiled. Carra finally turned to the beefy wolfess.

"This is Lieutenant General Mirra Stonewater. She will be your trainer, teaching our best fight technique and military traditions. We hope you can become a fine warrior."

The ebony wolfess just saluted, knocking her heels together before putting both her arms behind her back and arching her back forward, puffing out her chest making her look bigger than what she already was.

"Now we are done with the introduction, I would like to have a meeting with your teachers. Uriel, you can head to your room and get comfortable. We will call you for dinner later tonight to discuss your schedule." Carra explained, never removing her paw from Uriel's back.


Carra entered a small personal room. The walls were lined with bookshelfs that was filled with rare and exotic books from all across this world. In the back wall was an expansive white granite fireplace that had a large wooden frame painting of the town below hanging above the stone fireplace. To her left a large window that stretched from floor to ceiling that looked over to the large green hills that stretch for miles. In front of the window was a large light brown desk with a large leather swivel chair. On the desk was a stack of papers, several pens and a large multi color stained glass table lamp. A large crystal chandelier hung low from the tall ceiling while just below was a elaborately designed round red rug.

Following Carra were the three teachers, Lasmin, Ethera, and Mirra respectively. Carra walked directly to the leather chair while the other three took their seats on elaborate carved wooden chairs. Sarra waited until everyone was settled before speaking, although Ethera took a bit longer to get comfortable as her huge butt overflowed her seat.

"It's great you all came on short notice. So let's not stab behind the bush and let's get down to business," Carra started, "let us review my plan."


After the large wolf women left Uriel alone in the entrance way he decided to wander around the manor instead of going to his room. The last couple of days he spent most of his time in bedrooms and wanted to have a nice change of pace.

Uriel took a left and walked down a long hallway to unknown places. Looking around, the halls were decorated in fine light blue wallpaper, imprinted with tiny shields, probably influenced by the town's history. Hanging off the walls were old paintings of either landscapes or portraits of royalty, all female. Occasionally an old suit of armor would cross his eyes, making him stand still to admire the size and the decorations etched in its metal. Besides this the place was surprisingly sparse of ornate decorations or fancy furniture. He was beginning to think the elaborate entrance was all for show and not an accurate representation of the house as a whole. The rest of the house felt more reserved and homely, like this place was a retreat.

Uriel soon found himself exiting out the back of the large house through tall window like doors and came to a backyard pool. The crystal clear water shined under the white sun and the sapphire blue tile shimmered under the wavy shadows. Surrounding the dark blue pool was a ruff, yellow sandstone like tiles with gold glittering specks and several large wooden lounge chairs with huge blue sun umbrellas. Beyond the pool was a white stone railing that looked over an expansive well trim garden, filled with tall, well groomed trees and flower beds.

Uriel walked around the pool and stepped down a pair of semi circle steps that connected the pool to the garden. White pod shaped robots zipped about, planning new flowers, trimming trees and watering the bushes to name a few. The garden itself was maze-like, lined with yellow stone bricks in a v-shaped pattern.

Walking down the windy road led Uriel to a large golden gazebo at the center of the garden. The structure was simple with four thick pillars holding up a dome roof. Inside were several gold metal garden seats around a gold oval metal table. Under the dome was a mural of the night sky and their constellation. The stars depicted abstract images of warriors and creatures, of which Uriel couldn't figure out if real or mythical of nature.

"Uriel?! There you are!" Called out Princess Carra. "You shouldn't be wandering around like that." Uriel turned around to see the large white wolfess stand by the stone railing. With a sigh Uriel walked back through the garden and to the stairway. "Come, we must go over your schedule for the next month." Putting her hand on his back Carra led Uriel into the large house.

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