Night Tussle

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Uriel stretches his arms over his head, joints popping. It was getting late and it has been a tiresome week to say the least. Not only was he being thrusted into a world he didn't know with no memories where he came from but now was taking classes for this unknown kingdom for unknown reasons by unknown people. All in all, it was a wild couple of weeks. 

Uriel walked from the bathroom to the bedroom in royal blue pajamas. It was given to him by Princess Carra, clearly made for a child of these enormous species. Given the fact he had no clothes to his name, all clothes he currently wore wasn't designed with his unique physiology in mind given all his clothes were too big and had holes in the pants for a tail he clearly didn't have. He was promised by the princess to go cloth shopping soon to get something more tailored for him. With a yawn Uriel turned out the lights, got into the large bed and quickly went to sleep. 


It was just a couple hours into the night and the twin moons shined through the window of the mansion into Uriel's room, bathing its dual lights with a pale purplish glow. The room was as quiet as mid summer night dream with the exception of Uriel light breathing. 

Then with the click of the door the silence was broken. It creaked slowly open revealing the silhouette of a large plump wolfess in white fur tinted purple from the moons. She carefully creeped into the room, her long white nightgown that hanged down to her ankles gently swishing with every gentle step, until she stood by the side of the bed looking down, her long silver hair draped over her icy blue eyes, gazing upon Uriel's still sleeping body.

Carra stared at the small body before her, not too different from a predator looking at its prey. She suddenly dropped, bending her knees, until she was eye level with Uriel. She peered at his face for an uncomfortable amount of time before taking a deep whiff. She quietly sighed, almost as if she went under a trance. With her big soft paws she maneuvers them under the covers to his body. Carefully, as soon as her arms were positioned under him she lifted him up, his blanket rolling off, and out of his bed. With a toothy smirk she carried Uriel out of the bedroom and into the hallway. 

Carra was just about to enter her room when she was called out, her body freezing like a child who was caught stealing a cookie from the kitchen. “Princess Carra!” Spoke up a strong authoritative voice from the other side of the hall. Carra slowly turned to see that it was Priestess Lasmin, her eyes furrowed, looking sternly at the princess.

“What is the meaning of this? This is very un-princess of you,” Lasmin scolded, sounding like a school teacher who was disappointed in a student. She was in a more striking sleep wear in comparison to Carra. A golden night dress with her large cleavage at the centerpiece of it all, exposed for all to see before draping down her soft muscular body to her knees. Her silver eyes shined under the faint light of the twin moons.

“I…I thought he might be lonely tonight,” Carra stumbled over her words as she tried to come up with a good argument. Lasmin just looked at the princess unfazed, staring sternly at the chubby snow-white wolfess. 

“Hand him over,” Lasmin commanded, giving a slight growl in her voice. Carra huffed but reluctantly lifted her arms and presented the still sleeping alien to Lasmin. Gently the priestess picked him up and held him in her right arm, his head resting on her huge bosom like a pillow and his legs dangling off her large soft paw. Lasmin then lifted her nose up in disappointment and turned around, walking down the corridor away from the princess. 

Carra huffed again and turned around, lightly stomped herself to her room feeling peeved. She didn't really understand why but seeing Lasmin take Uriel away irritated her. But as her paw grabbed the doorknob to her bedroom she paused. 

“Wait, why was she up at this time of the night?” 

She immediately turned around to see that Lasmin was no longer there and Uriel's bedroom door was still open. “Lasmin!” She growled as she quickly stepped through the corridor to the priestess room.

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