Chapter 12: The Blue Spirit + Farewell Notes

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Hi!! Good day to everyone who reads this~
(if there's any, of course)

It's been two years since I wrote this story. First of all thank you very much for all the reads and love you give! Much appreciated ^^

Two years ago I stated that I was taking a temporary hiatus for certain reasons, and that I had been writing the continuation chapter. I truly had been, but as time went the motivation and determination to finish it really went downhill. Besides, back then I was saddled with lots and lots of school related responsibilities.

I thought to myself that once I was done with finals and all, I would certainly go back to writing, but alas, I got a lot busier than before. Even now I have not yet finished it, and I am thinking of closing this book here. As the last treat, I shall put the half finished work here.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Chapter 12: The Blue Spirit

"So let me sum it up. You have a music test at school tomorrow and you have to do it in a group of two people. But this time Zelda isn't your pair, PLUS you haven't even practiced since the day the task was given, which was three weeks ago. And apparently you wouldn't remember about all of this if Zelda hadn't texted you earlier today." Toon said cynically while folding his arms and sighed at the sheepish-looking Sky.

"What in Hylia's name have you been doing this whole time?!" Twi asked his older brother crossly.

"Um, procrastinating?" Sky admitted with a guilty smile.

Time facepalmed.

"That's what I'm afraid he would answer," he muttered.

"But," Sky tried to protest, "but at least I'm going to practice today."

"Yeah, and at the last moment." Wild said as he rubbed Wolf's belly.

"Stop piling up the pressure on my shoulders!" Sky wailed.

"Who's your partner again? Something like Fee? Fai? How do you pronounce it anyway?" Toon questioned.

"It's Fai... I think. But the spelling is F-I... if I'm not mistaken. Idunno, I mostly sleep through lessons and I guess I don't really pay attention." Sky answered with uncertainty and averted his eyes from his brothers.

"Anyway!" he snapped his attention back to the others, "She'll be here in a while, so I'd better get my harp ready."

"Well, go ahead. I have no interest in how all of this will turn out." Twi yawned and sprawled on the mattress.

"I think she's here." Time said as he heard the doorbell rang.

"I'll go and open the door!" Sky said and ran downstairs. The others were pretty curious on how this Fi person was like, and they peeked through the stairs.

Sky opened the door and revealed a strange Hylian girl. Fi was a young girl with small stature. Her hair was an odd color of blue (shiny with a strange hairstyle, no less), which was the same shade with her blank-looking eyes. Her skin was really pale, almost translucent.

Even so, the most notable thing about her was her attire. She wore an extremely oversized violet sweater with blue left sleeve and black stockings with odd green straps criss-crossing her legs. She was also wearing high-heeled boots with fluffs on the ankle. And then there was this floating diamond thing on her forehead. The Links could just stare at this weird girl.

"Um, hi, Fi..." Sky greeted her awkwardly.

Fi bowed to him.

"Good morning, Link." she said monotonously.

"Jeez, she's like a ghost." Toon muttered almost inaudibly.

And to their horror, Fi turned her head and stared right at the small boy through the stairs. Toon yelped and ran to their bedroom.

"Duuuude, that's so scary! Did she hear him?" Twi whisper-yelled to his twin, who had just leapt back in fear.

"I don't know..." was all Time could manage, his eyes wide as saucers.

"Whatever it is, I'm getting away from here." Wild rushed to their bedroom, followed by his two older brothers.

Back at the front door, Sky was stuttering at Fi.

"A-ah, I'm sorry, they're always like this..." he explained sheepishly.

"It is fine." Fi assured him with a flat expression. That obviously didn't assure Sky.

"So... um, I... I think we should go to the reading room to practice...?" Sky asked.

"Whatever suits you suits me. Please lead the way." Fi spoke. And just then Sky noticed that she hadn't blinked this whole time.

Name: Sky
Age: 18
Status: absolutely creeped out

"O-okay." Sky said and gestured for Fi to follow him. Fi took off her boots and walked upstairs with the half-scared boy to the reading room.

Meanwhile, in the boys' room...

"What kind of girl is that?!" Toon squaked from under the bed.

"Idunno... but she gives off this otherworldly vibe, you know." Wild commented.

"Man, she stared right at me after I said she's like a ghost! That's definitely not a coincidence!" Toon ranted.

"One thing for sure, I don't envy Sky right now." Twi said with a frown.

"Bro, why do you even envy Sky in the first place?" Time chuckled.

The rest just stared at him in silence for a while and started laughing.

"Well, you're not wrong." Wild said between his laughs.

Now back to the reading room, Fi suddenly stopped on her tracks.

"Um, what's wrong?" Sky questioned her.

"They're laughing at you." she simply answered.

Sky opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again.

"It happens..." he sighed.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

And that's that. The original idea for this chapter was the Skyward Sword gameplay where you can strum the harp. I was planning to add Ballad of the Goddess and the other songs as references too. The end of the story is, of course, Sky and Fi absolutely killing the performance and making the others gape in silence, and they soon join with their own instruments or vocal skills. But I have since gotten lazy to continue it.

Don't fret, even though I'm busy and get interested in other things, I will always have a room for The Legend of Zelda in my heart. And if anyone wants to contact me to discuss Zelda or other things, please feel free to reach out! I may check Wattpad less frequently but you may dm me to ask for my Discord~

This chapter will mark the end of this short writing and long procrastinating journey. I'm very sorry for all of you who have been waiting for the next chapter (if there's anyone who does, of course) but I am certainly grateful. For everyone, who came when I first wrote and stayed until the end (or not the end, still appreciated though), or you who happen to stumble upon this one day.

Thank you very much for [dreamy_miasma] and [shuzuhime] for all the support and inspiration you've given me.

To [your3rdlocaltrashcan] and [meruchanowo] for the love and comments.

To dear [wolf00link] for finding my sussy book and commenting lots, we been buddies since heheh B)

And to you. Thank you. I'm just repeating words now but I really am grateful for people who decide to check the story out. Never thought anyone would read what I write, but hey, you all prove me wrong. And I'm very indebted to everyone for that.

Farewell everyone, the journey has come to an absolute end.


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