Chapter 1: A Hot Summer Day

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"It's so hot! I'm gonna die! And I'm boooooored!" Wild wailed, writhing on the floor. It was summer, and apparently the weather didn't agree with him. He was wearing a light blue tank-top and shorts. Really short shorts. His face was dripping with sweat and his cheeks were rosy red. And also, his hair was tied into a messy bun.

"How can you guys survive? And those clothes! You're wearing long sleeved shirts! Just looking at you guys makes me feel hotter..." he said, closing his eyes. It was true, they were wearing long-sleeved shirts, except for Twi.

Sky was wearing a normal Skyloft outfit, that consisted of a white-creamish long sleeved shirt with blue ornaments, dark green pants, and some kind of belt thing that crossed his shoulder and chest.

Time was wearing a white shirt. His hair was tied in a tiny ponytail on the back of his head, as always.

Twi wore a traditional Ordonian garb. Short sleeved top, plus a green sleeve on his left arm. Cream-ish pants and orange cloth tied on his hip, sticking some kind of dark turquoise cloth on his waist and lastly bandages on his wrist.

Toon was wearing something pretty exotic, long sleeved blue shirt with white lobster design, and knee-length tan leggings.

All of them looked relaxed, really. Even Wolf was lounging around. Except for Wild.

"Why don't you go adventuring or something if you're bored?" asked Sky with droopy eyes, almost nodding off to sleep.

"It's too hot for my taste. And my head feels so hot and sweaty! And it's getting itchy! " Wild wailed once again, scratching his head.

"Maybe it's time for you to have a new hairstyle. Namely, being bald." Toon said with a snicker on his face, readying a scissor.

Wild looked scandalized and crawled to Time. "Help me!" He squealed.

Time just smirked. "Maybe cutting your hair is a good idea. It's been, what, a year since you cut your hair?" he said in an evil way. Wolf barked in agreement.

"Noooooooooo~! I like it this way!" Wild pouted and flailed his arms.

"Then wash your hair, for Hylia's sake! Or I'll rip it out of your head with my own hands!" Toon said menacingly. Even Wolf was baring his fangs, which was scary considering that his size was bigger than Wild.

"But I can't even walk to the bathroom, how am I supposed to wash my hair?" Wild dropped onto the floor again lazily.

"C'mere. I'll wash your hair." Twi said exasperatedly after staying quiet for a while.

"Huh? But you haven't done that since I was 8." exclaimed Wild, calmed down all of a sudden.

"Wasn't it because you said you didn't want to anymore?" Sky looked at him questioningly.

"Did I now?"

"Yes you did. Now take it or leave it."

"Of course I want it!" Wild said happily, getting up instantly.

Just then they heard a knock on the front door. Time opened it and there came Zelda, looking fresh as always. She was wearing a short and sleeveless pink dress. Her hair was undone, but the sides were wrapped in turquoise and pink ribbons.

"Hi you all! Having fun on this hot afternoon?" She asked cheerfully.

"Yeah! Twi is gonna wash my hair!" Wild beamed happily as Twi sighed. Then they both left for the bathroom.

Zelda looked at the others. "Didn't he-" But Sky cut her off.

"Nonono, let him be." He said, grinning. Zelda grimaced and decided to give it a rest.

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