Chapter 3: A Hot Summer Evening -- part 2

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"This is gonna get bad...." Twi muttered as they set the game up on the Wii.

"Relax, we all had our share of embarrassment." Toon tried to calm him down.

"Yeah, poor Toon here has a lot of memey face, I'm surprised he can cope up with that." Sky said.

"Shut it, you. As if your face is any better. I still remember your face when Ghirahim intimidated you, it was priceless! And your face when Zelda told you about your purpose and destiny, it's a good memory..." Toon snapped back.

Sky glared at him and he glared back, causing a tension between them.

"Okay you two, that's enough. Let's just enjoy the game here, alright?" Time interceded, looking at the excited Wild who's holding the Wii remote and the Nunchuck.

They all sat on the rug, staring at the TV as the title screen played. Then the file selection screen, and a new game. It began where the in-game Twi was talking to Rusl.

"Tell me... Do you ever feel a strange sadness when dusk falls? They say it's the only time when our world intersects with theirs.... The only time we can feel the lingering regrets of spirits who have left our world." The in-game Rusl said, and then a close-up on his face.

"That's why loneliness always pervades the hour of twilight... But enough talk of sadness... I have a favor to ask of you, Link," he continued, and the camera slowly shifted to the in-game Twi's face. He was smiling. And everyone in the room winced with an "Ngh!!" at the sight.

"Why... why this scene.... I'm cringing so bad!!" Twi winced more.

"No! That smile is too much! I'm gonna get diabetes!" Toon screamed dramatically.

"Why, oh why does the in-game Twi have such a heartwarming smile-" Sky began.

"-and the real Twi's smile looks like a donkey that has seizures!" Time continued while clenching his heart overdramatically.


Everyone else laughed at Twi's embarrassment and anger.

Now the scene continued where they went back to the village and the in-game Twi met Colin. That means more smiles. But this time, everyone was too absorbed in the story to comment.

Then next up to the scene where Ilia took Epona, Twi's horse, and Fado, the rancher, came to ask for Twi's assistance on herding the goats, and they found out Ilia took Epona. And Wild gained control of Twi.

Of course, the first thing he did was to roll the in-game Twi and bash him to a nearby tree a few times.

"Stop it! Can't you see I'm in pain?" The real Twi said, and Wild laughed in such an evil way.

"Hah, should have thought about that when you started teasing me this morning." Wild grinned.

Twi grumbled and kept on watching, until the scene where the kids begged him to buy a slingshot.

"This is so true..." Sky said, sighing.

"Dude you need to stop doing things they tell you to do." Time frowned and elbowed Twi.

Twi really is good with kids and the kids love him, partly because he rarely says no to them, which makes them take advantage of his kindness. He actually bought a slingshot once because they begged him for it. And now it lays forgotten somewhere in the house. That's 30 rupees wasted.

"You know they'd never leave me until they get what they want don't you?" Twi elbowed Time back.

"You know it's all so funny how they make these games based on our lives, and the five of us are the main character for each game..." Wild said thoughtfully.

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