Chapter 4: Let's Do a Tiny Bit of A Q&A!

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Soo, a quick author's note before you begin, I decided to make a Q&A episode because I was running out of idea and I think this might be fun. The rest of the note will be after the story part, as usual.

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Wild: Yay! I'm so excited for this! *sparkly eyes*

Time: Ok chill dude, we're just here to answer questions.

Twi: It's true, but I can't help but to wonder what questions are in store for us! *eyes lighting up*

Time: *facepalms* Twi, please. Of all people, you're not the one I expected to say that. See, even Toon's relaxed as he can be.

Toon: Oh shut up, you. It's not like there's a question for me. *sulks*

Sky: Okay settle down kids, and let Zelda read the questions for us.

Zelda: You all ready? Okay, let's begin! *reads the question list and picks an interesting one* Ohoh, what do I see here? "How links feel abt having le same names".

Links: ...

Time: *clasps his hands in a concerned manner* Look, this is the most ridiculous thing ever. Who names their kids the same name?

Sky: Dad does...

Toon: And it's confusing as hell!

Zelda: Toon, watch your words.

Toon: Whatever, Zelda. I mean, when people say "Hey Link!" and all of us are there, we'd automatically face them and say "Yes?" which is just weird!

Twi: And don't get me started on our full name.


Zelda: Well I think it sounds nice... It rolls in the tongue well, I guess.

Wild: *is looking at the Sheikah Slate* According to my research here, the definition of Link is "make, form, or suggest a connection with or between." Or "a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one thing affects the other." Or "a ring or loop in a chain." Or "a torch of pitch and tow for lighting the way in dark streets."

The others: *stares*

Toon: What.

Sky: Now that doesn't make sense. I blame Dad.

Time: We blame Dad. He even names the family dog Link.

Wolf: Woof woof!

Twi: In conclusion, having the same name is the most confusing thing ever. We wish to have different names.

Zelda: But hey, you have different nicknames!

Links: *stares in disgust* That doesn't count.

Zelda: Okay, okay. Chill, you all. Now moving onto the next question.

Toon: I wish the rest of the questions won't be as ridiculous as this.

Zelda: Okay, I found a good one. "How links feel everytime they get a younger sibling"

Sky: *yeets the table*

Time: And that sums it up.

Sky: Dude, being the oldest child sucks.

Twi: *scoffs* Yeah right. You're the oldest in terms of age but I am the one who deserves the title. I'm the one who takes care of everyone in the household. And I'm the one who has to deal with all your childishness.

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