Chapter 1

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Crystal's pov

Hey this is me Crystal Collins. I am 19 and studying in Holy Cross College in NewYork. Also I'm part time assistant of a famous designer to pay my bills. Wondering why?

Because my so called father and his new wife kicked me out of their house when I was just nine.

Talking about my real mother, she died in a car accident when I was six. My mom was a really sweet person. She used to love me a lot. Not only loving but she was hella strong woman. I miss her a lot.

About my dad, he is anything but an ideal person. He married his bitchy girlfriend just after one month of my mom's death. He never loved my mom. Neither he respected her.

His wife Kate was an A grade bitch. She used to hate me a lot and always used to fill my dad's ears about me. Complaining about me that I disrespected her, called her names, kicked her, etc.

When I turned nine they kicked me out of their house. Of course because Kate wanted me out. After that I stayed with my grandma. She was my mom's mom. She raised me and made me the person I'm today. But unfortunately she died two years ago from cardiac arrest.

So, now I'm all alone in this big world. Sad, right?

Now enough of my introduction. I'm getting late for my work. My boss Mrs Andera Heard has called me thrice in one hour. She wanted me to reach in a fancy marriage hall ASAP to help her with the wedding gowns.

Although today was my day off but thanks to the bride who rejected the wedding gown designed by my boss on her wedding day, I have to work. I have currently three designers wedding gowns in my hand which I have to deliver to my boss as she didn't have that much time.

Perks of being busy!

Reaching my destination I came out from the cab with bags and paid the driver.

I craned my neck to adore the huge building in front of me. This is where the marriage is happening. What a lucky bitch that bride is.

Ps: I'm not jealous. I'm NOT.

After few seconds of my gawking I decided to go inside this huge building.

The entrance was so beautiful that I wondered that how this building will look like from inside. Excitingly I made my debut in this posh building and Oh My God! This is heaven.

So fuCking beautiful and expensive as well. Every freaking thing inside the building screams luxury. And the people inside the building were no less. Women's were walking barbie dolls and mens were no less than a model. All these things seems like a dream. I was busy adoring the stuffs when my phone rings again. Taking out my phone from the pocket I rolled my eyes at the caller. My boss.

Huffing I received it.


"Where are you? Come fast. Wedding is going to start in one hour. We don't have much time" She yelled in panic.

"I'm already inside the building. Where do I have to come?" I asked her calmly.

Can't loose my job.

"Why didn't you say this before?" She again yelled.

Cause you didn't even let me say hello to you.

"I'm sorry Miss Heard" I apologized rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. Now go to the room number 678 and give all the bags to the bride. Her name is Maddison Kingsley. See which one is she liking" She replied annoyingly.

"But you are the designer. You should handover her these gowns. Why me?" I asked scrunching my brows.

"I know. But this Maddison fuCking Kingsley is nothing but a bitch. FuCking self obsessed bitch. All she do is complain about everything. I don't want to see her ugly fuCking face. So you have to do this. Now stop complaining and do the work" With this she cuts the call.

His Replaced BrideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora