Chapter 45

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Dante's pov

After breaking the kiss, we both turned towards the crowd who were watching us with curiosity, admiration, shock and some with bitterness.

Some of those reporters who were interviewing me a few minutes back are now standing with their cameras facing us. I smiled at them and pulled Crystal closer through her waist and posed a few pictures with her. They even asked me to give them a interview with Crystal but I denied them.

Maybe later. Right now I don't want to overwhelm Crystal.

"I hope you all are satisfied now" I said in a mocking tone and heard a few chuckles in response.

Shaking my head at them, I walked towards my family along with Crystal, all this while feeling everyone's eyes on us.

"Oh my god! That moment was so perfect" Sarah smiled happily and showed us a picture of mine and Crystal which she clicked when we were at the stage.

Nice picture.

"Exactly. The way you introduced and kissed Crystal was so romantic and dreamy. I didn't know that my son could be this romantic" Mom said teasingly to which I rolled my eyes at her.

"So Crystal, how are you feeling now?" Sarah asked softly to which we all turned towards her.

"Um.. Overwhelmed?" Crystal replied with a chuckle.

"Sure you are" Sarah chuckled at her.

"Okay okay enough now. Crystal, come with me. I'll introduce you to my friends" Mom said and caught Crystal's hand and took her somewhere along with Sarah.

As soon as they left, my dad came and patted my back a little.

"I'm so proud of you. Good job" He said to which I nodded.

"Although everything happened in a little rush but at the end it was all worth it" Ashton said to which I nodded again.

Yes it's true that we were not supposed to reveal Crystal's identity this soon but the incident which happened two days back made us question our decision. And that's when we decided that revealing Crystal's identity is far better than hiding her identity.

Flashback starts.

Crystal and I were happily talking about some stuff when I got a call from Martin.

"I'll be back soon" I said to Crystal and left the room.

"Yes Martin" I said after accepting the call.

"Mr knight, there's a slight problem" Martin said to which I whined angrily.

That's horrible. Every freaking day I have to deal with some new problems.

"Now what happened?" I asked annoyingly.

"Mr knight seems like Kingsley's were keeping an eye on Crystal" He said to which I frowned.

"From my sources I have got to know that Kingsley's are trying to contact Kate Collin, Crystal step mother. And if I'm not wrong, they might manipulate her to reveal Crystal's identity or maybe do something dangerous" Martin said to which I clenched my fists angrily.

"What the hell" I exclaimed in anger.

"There is a possibility that they might try to do something to harm Crystal or your family's reputation" Martin added.

I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath.

"Martin keep a close eyes on them. See what they are doing or who they are meeting. I want you to notice their activities closely. Am I clear?" I said in a stern voice to which Martin replied with a yes.

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