Chapter 11

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Crystal's pov

Seems like I'm really fucked up. After I got agreed to stay in Knight mansion for some months they asked me to quit my job.

I was shocked when they said that. They later told me the reason but still I wasn't ready to leave that job. Yes I agree that my boss is A grade bitch.. Oops. WAS. But come on she was paying me good amount of salary.

They even asked me that they will pay for my bills but I denied. Self respect, you see.

So after a lot of bickering, Mr Knight asked me to be his PA's assistant. So, after whole lot of thinking I agreed. Also salary was amazing. Little much more than my previous job. The only good thing since this mess.

Also they kinda forced me to have a bodyguard. And like every other times, I was against this decision. But eventually agreed. Because they all are quite persuasive.

So the bodyguard is in his thirties. His name is Martin. His father used to work for Knights and now he is working for them. Nepotism. *giggles*

Right now I'm in my apartment, and packing my stuffs. I'm gonna miss this place.

Martin is sitting in one of the chair and keep on instructing me that what should I pack and in which luggage. In short he is annoying me.

So after working for more than two hours I was finally done. Huffing I looked at Martin who's busy in his phone.

"I'm done" I said glaring him.

He nodded and pushed his phone inside his pocket and start helping me with my stuffs. When everything was taken, I took a last look of my home. I felt little emotional looking at my house. This place was my shelter for a long time. It's really saddening me that I'm leaving this place, even though it's for a short time.

Wiping my tears I locked the door and made my way inside the car. Martin was driving the car and I was beside him.

Time skip.

When we reached Knight mansion, Martin along with other buttler start helping me with my luggages.

When we got inside the mansion, Sarah and Mrs Knight came to me.

"Welcome Sweety" Mrs Knight said hugging me.

"Thanks Mrs Knight" I said breaking the hug.

"Move her stuffs to her room" Sarah said looking behind me.

"I'm really happy that you're here, Crystal" Sarah smiled at me to which I smiled back.

"Come, I'll show you, your room" Sarah said dragging me upstairs.

When we were in front of a room, Martin and buttler came out and greeted us before leaving.

"Come" Sarah said and start dragging me inside.

"Holy shit" I chirped loudly looking inside the room but heard Sarah chuckle.

This room is twice the size of my previous bedroom and more beautiful, too. Everything is in the place. A king size bedroom is in the middle along with soft looking mattress. Oh my.

A big wardrobe along with a big vanity table. Beautiful curtains. A big couch. A study table and what not.

"This room is beautiful" I said widening my eyes for effect.

Sarah chuckled at my expressions and start showing me everything.

The attach washroom is also big and beautiful. And their is a big bathtub. Yippee.

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