Chapter 51

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Dante's pov

I growned angrily when I realised that Crystal is in some shady place, away from the decent part of the city.

Martin has fucking today invited his own death.

"When are we going to reach the destination?" I asked furiously to the officer who was beside me to which he gulped.

"Few more minutes, sir" He replied.

I groaned and looked outside the car to see the darkness around. It's already night now. Crystal must be so scared by now.

God please keep her fine.

I prayed looking up towards the sky when the car suddenly stopped.

"What happened?" I asked raising my eyebrows to which the driver turned to look at me.

"There is someone's car in the middle of the road" He said and got off the car. I too got out of the car and was shocked to see Crystal's car.

"It's Crystal's car" I said with wide eyes.

"Sir" We heard a voice and turned to look at the cop pointing at something or I can say someone.

I walked upto him to see that he was pointing at.. Tyler.

"He is Tyler, Crystal's driver" I said and bend down to see that Tyler was bleeding hard.

"He is dead" One of the officer said to which I closed my eyes in agony.

I was about to touch him but the officer stopped me with wide eyes.

"Sir please you can't touch him. It's a murder case" He said to which I nodded.

Looking at the bunch of cuts on his back I felt sick and quickly got up. I suddenly felt scared.

"W-we can't waste the time. We have to fucking find Crystal right now. Don't know what that motherfucker must be doing to her" I said gulping the fear.

"Yes mister knight. Joe and Alex, you both stay here and call the forensic team and ambulance, okay" Senior officer said and ran towards the car followed by me and the other officers.

We soon settled ourselves in the car and drove towards the location.

Crystal's pov

"Help" I yelled looking at the closed door hoping for someone to come.

"Please help" I again yelled while crying feeling helpless at the situation but to my luck someone opened the door and switched on the lights.

I blinked my eyes for couples of times and saw that a goon was there.

"What do you want?" He asked in a grumpy voice.

"I-I want to use the washroom" I said slowly to which he looked at me dangerously.

"Please" I said again to which he growled at me angrily but still came to me.

"I'm opening you but don't try to pull any stunt or else I'll kill you" He warned before opening my ropes to which I nodded.

Soon he opened my hands and legs and pulled me towards him. I hissed in pain as my wounded thigh came in contact with his hard ass knee and quickly moved a little away from him.

"Come with me" Saying so he dragged me outside the room towards a scheduled looking corridor.

I winched while walking and tried to slow down my speed but that was of no use as he was walking quite fastly.

"Oh god" I whispered softly, waiting for him to stop walking.

Soon he stopped at the end of the corridor and left my wrist and gave me a deadly stare.

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