22 | mason and clara jane

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"Ella!" I grinned, tackling her with a hug.

She smiled back, laughing. "I missed you, Vesper. Come on, let's catch up in my room."

"You're supposed to eat cucumbers," I complained to her later, when we were in robes and sitting in the spa room of the house. "Not put them on your eyes."

I could practically see Ella roll her eyes. I felt something cold and wet smattered on my face. "Stay still. It's facial clay."

I lifted a cucumber and peeked through an eye at her. "It's gray mud."

"Shhhh," she shushed and then I chose the Maze Runner as the movie selection.

After, we decided to have a sleepover and piled pillows everywhere on my bed. It was late when she finally said, "I'm sorry I called on such late notice. I didn't actually think you'd drop everything and fly across the world just to be here for me."

I yawned, sleepily, in response, "You're my sister. I would do anything for you, Ella."

"I know," she responded quietly. "I know."

I should have realized sooner that Ella Jontas always knew very well that she meant everything to me and that I would always choose her.

Even if she didn't choose me.


Long ago, Avery told me that a true "blue blood" initiation party was held on the island but mine was hosted tonight on campus.

The message that they were sending was crystal clear.

It didn't matter how official it was. 

To them, I wasn't a blue blood.

No one in the academy would understand this. No one, but the blue bloods because you had to live with them and see their ugliest sides to understand.

They didn't even like each other anymore, but they only had each other.

That was why they were so protective of each other and their secrets. Every blue blood knew something that could destroy one another. It was this fragile blackmail, this trust, that forced them to stay in a tight-knit group.

It was self-torture and because they had nothing on me, they refused to accept me as one of them.

Fortunately for me, I could care less about the blue bloods and their little high school delusions.

All I cared about was Ella and revenge.

The party dedicated to me was held in the old dorms. The building was modelled after a mansion, with dorms that resembled of hotel rooms and hallways of vintage aesthetic. Students had lived in this building when the school had a stricter admission rates.

Now, it was filled with students stumbling around with drinks in their hands, sweaty bodies grinding against each other, and loud music resonating through the foyer.

Avery had been pulled away by his friends a while ago. Everyone wanted something from him. The moment I was alone was the moment the sharks came. People who wanted all sorts of things from me approached me.

My body, designer names, makeup products, my relationship with Avery... they wanted anything and everything associated with me.

It was only then could I understand why every person wanted to be a blue blood.

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