21 | that was overdue

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"I promise- I promise I won't say anything. Please. Please, just spare me."


That night, Avery found me in the academy's library.

I was sitting on the ledge of the highest window, head pressed against the glass as I looked out to the night sky. Avery smiled a little when I didn't react to his presence, taking a seat next to me after draping a blanket over my shoulders.

"How did you find me?" I finally spoke, not wanting to face him for some reason.

"I think by now everyone knows you're here," Avery shrugged. "Privacy is hard to ask for around here."

"I was about to come back."

"It's almost midnight, Vesper," Avery responded, dryly. "You would have stayed here overnight if you could."

"I wanted to be alone." I lifted my gaze higher to the stars and then closed my eyes, trying to not feel the pain.

Avery stayed silent for a long moment. "Erik told me what day it was today."

"What?" I flinched in surprise.

"He said you tended to be reckless on days like this," Avery said, softly. "Your mother and older brother died today."

"He's afraid I'll do something stupid," I scoffed. "Like that one time I jumped off a cliff myself to experience it."

Avery almost looked concerned. "He did not tell me that."

I wrenched my gaze away from the stars to stare at Avery. "Then what else did he tell you?"

"That's it."

I heard the unspoken questions Avery didn't ask. He wanted to know who Erik was to me now. He wanted to know if I was in love with him the way he was in love with me because even a blind man could see Erik still wanted me.

I couldn't answer those questions for him.

"Are you okay?" Avery asked, quietly.

I could feel my own pain emerge. If anyone were to label this ache, it would be called grief. But I hated that word. It felt too simple for all the emotions and hollowness inside of me.

"I lost two people that night." I stared at my hands, at the only ring I wear. "My mother jumped into the ocean. My brother followed."

Avery listened intently, allowing me to continue.

"My father had only ever loved my mother but he had an affair. It was a two time thing but both times, a child was the result," I whispered, tears spilling. "At that time, my mother was already cracking. She knew how cruel my father could be... and she was too kind to be a Du Sang. When she found out... we were on the island. My mother tucked me into bed and the next day, she was gone. My brother..."

"Your brother followed her," Avery guessed.

I nodded slowly. "He was three years older than me and an unusually intelligent person. He must have followed her to the cliffs. I don't know exactly but my guess is that after my mother jumped, he did too to save her."

Avery's silver eyes were filled with understanding. "But no one survives those cliffs."

"The waves were already so violent." I stared out, feeling the tears running. "But my brother was kind. Genuine. Alexander Du Sang was my father's pride and joy for a reason. He had a great mind but a greater soul."

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